Different Facts about Cocker Spaniel (Part 1)

Cocker Spaniel is one of the most special and beautiful dog breeds. He’s a lovely dog with his beautiful appearance and funny mischief. In this article, we introduce you to the Cocker Spaniel breed and talk more about his history, appearance, behaviour, nutrition and how to maintain and train him. So stay tuned.

History of the Cocker Spaniel breed

In general, spinel dogs were created as hunting dogs to find and catch birds. It’s interesting to know that the name Cocker is derived from the word woodcock, a popular bird in hunting competitions. In the late 19th century, these little hounds found their way to the United States. The Americans preferred smaller size, longer hair, and a rounder head for this dog. So in the process of breeding, they created the American Cocker Spaniel dog, which is considered a separate breed in many countries today. Although cocker spaniel dogs were considered a sport and hunting dogs, they’re mostly kept as companions and family dogs. Cocker Spaniels are aristocratic and royal dogs. They love to be the centre of attention and caress. Long hair, long and furry ears are the appearance features of this breed!


The first distinctive feature of these dogs is their very long furry drooping ears that tempt you to touch them. Cocker spaniels have thick, dense, curly hair in various colours such as black, cream, white, and brown. Of course, these dogs are sometimes seen in two or three colours. Also, these dogs have big brown beautiful eyes that make them look more lovable.

Types of Cocker Spaniel dogs

As we said, Americans make a lot of changes to this breed to get what they want. The difference in the appearance of this American breed became so great that finally, in 1946, the American Cocker Spaniel dog was recognized as a separate breed and quickly became popular in the United States. There are currently two types of Cocker Spaniel dogs: English and American. The American Cocker Spaniel is smaller and heavier and has a rounder head than the English breed.

English Cocker Spaniel

  • Weight: 12-15 kg
  • Height: 35-43 cm

American Cocker Spaniel Dog

  • Weight: 11-13 kg
  • Height: 35-38 cm

Longevity of Cocker Spaniel breed

The longevity of this dog depends on various factors such as nutrition and care. But in general, the cocker spaniels can live between 10 and 15 years with proper maintenance.

Behavioural characteristics

Cocker Spaniels are intelligent, playful, kind and disciplined dogs. They have a calm and loving personality and are usually very fond of hugging, cuddling and attending family activities. In fact, this dog becomes the happiest dog in the world when he feels like a family member. Cocker Spaniels are very loyal to their owner and love to accompany you all the time. So don’t be surprised if you see your dog following you from room to room wherever you go! This breed is very playful, mischievous, alert and energetic. Because of being a hound, he enjoys outdoor activities such as walking or jogging.

Caring of Cocker Spaniel

Although this dog was created for hunting and outdoor activities, it adapts well to living in an apartment. In fact, he’s more of a pet dog and a lovely companion than a sport and outdoor dog. Due to his small size, this dog can easily live in almost any size apartment. This breed is also suitable for those who have never had a dog.

This dog is very emotional and very dependent on his owner and family members. He doesn’t like to be alone at all. Cocker spinach can cause separation anxiety if left alone for a long time and may show stress by barking, crying and sabotaging. So if you have to leave your dog alone during the day and you don’t have other people to take care of him, it’s better to choose another breed.

Cocker Spaniel activity and walking

It’s true that these dogs live well in an apartment, but don’t forget that these dogs are basically hunting and sport dogs. That’s why they need to drain their daily energy to prevent behavioural problems. The Cocker Spaniel puppy only needs a short walk, But an adult dog needs to walk twice a day (30 minutes each) as well as several rounds of play and activity at home. Cocker Spaniels love to play fetch. You can play this game with balls, toys, etc., both indoors and outdoors.


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