Different Facts about French Bulldog (part 1)

The French Bulldog breed has a long history as a companion dog. Created in England as a small miniature bulldog, he accompanied English fishing turbos to France, where he took Frankie’s name. In addition to being a companion, the french bulldog once served as a great rat catcher, but today his main job is to be a good and legendary friend to the family. He’s a rare breed, and you’re expected to stay on a long waiting list to bring him home.

French Bulldog diseases

Not all French bulldog breeds are affected by all of these diseases, but it’s important to be aware of them if you have chosen them.

Hip dysplasia

An inherited disease in which the femur doesn’t attach well to the hip. Some dogs with the disease may have pain in the pelvis, one or both hind legs; But at the same time, you may not notice any discomfort in a dog with hip dysplasia. Depending on the age of the dog, he may develop arthritis.

Brachycephalic syndrome

It’s found in dogs with short heads, narrowed nostrils, or protruding or softened paws. Their airways become blocked to varying degrees, and the entry of air may cause noise or a dog’s airways to collapse. Dogs with this syndrome usually breathe loudly and snore. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition, including oxygen therapy or surgery to open the nostrils or shorten the dog’s palate.


Allergies are a common disease among dogs. There are three main types of allergies: Food allergies, which are treated while removing certain foods from a dog’s diet. Contact allergies, caused by a reaction to a substance or something that the dog’s body comes in contact with; Such as bedding, coke powder, dog shampoo and other chemicals that the vet can treat by eliminating the cause of allergies. Inhalation allergy is caused by inhaling particles in the air, such as plant pollen, dust, and mildew. Treatment of this type of allergy depends on its severity. The important point is that inhaled allergies are usually associated with ear infections.


An abnormality that occurs on one or more vertebrae. This abnormality may be associated with other abnormalities in the vertebrae. It may not cause any problems, but if it puts pressure on the spinal cord, it can cause pain, weakness and paralysis in french bulldog breeds.

Patellar luxation

This is a common problem in small dogs. This condition occurs when the kneecap, which includes the three parts of the femur, patella and calf, isn’t properly adjusted. This can cause a dog to limp or walk abnormally. It’s a disease that occurs at birth. Patellar luxation can cause osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease. The disease has 4 different degrees, which in the first place may cause the animal to limp occasionally and, in high degrees, can lead to surgery.

Intervertebral disk disease (IVDD)

It occurs when a disc in the spine ruptures due to a hernia or pushing of the vertebrae toward the spinal cord. In this case, nerve transmission in the spine is inhibited. Intervertebral disc disease can be caused by trauma, age, or a simple movement such as jumping off a sofa. When the disc ruptures, the dog feels pain and weakness and can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis. Treatment usually includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, surgery can help cure it if it’s done within a day after the injury. Ask your veterinarian to do physical rehabilitation. Massage, water, and electrical stimulation treatments are also excellent.

Von Willebrand disease

This disease can be seen in both dogs and humans. In this process, clotting occurs during the reduction of the von Willebrand factor in the blood. Dogs with the disease have nosebleeds, bleeding gums, prolonged postoperative bleeding, or prolonged postpartum hemorrhage. Sometimes blood is also found in the stool. This disorder is usually detectable in dogs between 3 and 5 years old and can’t be treated. However, the vet can control it by burning or suturing the affected area or injecting von Willebrand factor into the blood before surgery or removing some medications.

Cleft palate

The palate is the roof of the mouth that separates the nose and mouth. This part is made of two parts, hard and soft. This gap can be one-sided or two-sided, and in terms of size, it can be the size of a small hole or a large gap. The cleft palate can affect both the hard and soft parts of the palate and can also cause cleft lip. Puppies may be born with the disease or caused by an accident or injury to the dog. Cleft palate is relatively common in dogs. The only treatment for cleft palate is surgery to close the hole. Of course, not all dogs need surgery, depending on the veterinarian’s diagnosis and recommendation.

Elongated soft palate

The soft palate extends to the roof of the mouth, which can cause difficulty breathing by blocking the airways. Its treatment is surgery.

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