Different Popular Dog Toys (part 2)

Toys are a means of depleting the dog’s energy, which most owners go for physical exercise, mental stimulation, Friendship, oral health, or keeping their dogs happy. In the first part, we said that dog toys have different types and rules. When playing, it’s best to play with your dog, buy him chewable toys, wash and clean them regularly. Don’t forget that you should constantly monitor and control your dog’s game. We have already described several famous dog toys such as balls, Frisbee discs, rings, boomerangs and floating toys. In this section, we will explain the rest of the popular toys.

Popular dog toys

Soft and velvety dolls

Most dogs love to play with dolls and carry, hug and sleep with them at night. Some dog dolls may have sand in their bellies, and others make a sound by pressing. These dolls may entertain your dog a lot at first, but after a while, the dog may tear the doll out of curiosity and then the doll pieces will be scattered all over the house. If you have an inquisitive dog sensitive to dolls, buy a simple, silent one for him. In any case, we suggest that you always watch your dog when playing with dolls so that he doesn’t tear his doll to pieces for a moment out of intense interest or curiosity!

Rattle, squeaky and noisy toys

Noisy toys such as squeaky are other popular types of dog toys available in different shapes and sizes. These toys are usually made of rubber, plastic and vinyl. Their strength depends on the material and construction. So when buying this type of toy, pay attention to your dog breed and his chewing habit. So choose the one that won’t tear so soon. Toys made of vinyl are suitable for dogs who are used to normal chewing. But if your dog likes to chew a lot, buy him a stronger toy that won’t break and tear too quickly. This type of toy is also called Tati and is ideal for dogs that are cutting teeth.

Rope toy

Rope toys are usually made of woven strings and sometimes have rubber or plastic parts inside. This type of toy is used for fetching, tug-of-war or chewing, especially for energetic dogs such as German Shepherds, Huskies and Dobermans.‎ It can entertain them for hours. It’s interesting to know that chewing rope plays the role of brushing for dogs and also contributes to the health and cleanliness of the dog’s teeth. Of course, always be careful when playing with rope toys because your dog may tear the strings of the rope and swallow parts of it. If you see that your dog has bitten this toy too much and its strings are falling apart, it’s time to throw it away and buy him a new one.

Tooth toy

Dogs love to chew, and if they don’t have proper toys around them, they may chew on slippers, chair bases, and anything else they can get their hands on! Therefore, buying chewable toys entertains the dog and protects your home from vandalism. When puppies start cutting their teeth, their gums become very itchy, and they need to chew a little to reduce the itching of their gums; Adult dogs also love to chew because of their hunting instincts. Dogtooth toys are of different materials and are often made like a piece of bone so that dogs can have fun for hours without being threatened. These toys come in a variety of attractive shapes and colours and aren’t very expensive. They’re the best toys for small puppies. Some dental toys have appendages that are very useful for itching puppies.

Tug or pulling toy

Tug toys are a group of toys that usually have two handles or rings; You take one side, and the dog bites the other side, and then the tug-of-war begins! The tug toy perfectly fits the dog hunting instinct and helps establish a good relationship between the dog and his owner. In addition, these dog toys are mental and physical training for the dog, and many trainers use these toys in their training. There are different types of these toys on the market that come in different shapes and sizes. Most of them are made of hemp rope or rubber. When shopping, depending on the dog’s size, please choose a model that both you can easily hold in your hand and your dog can easily bite and pull it. Because this toy is basically made to pull, it must have a good and strong material to break down soon.

Food dispensing toys

Food dispensing toys Is one of the best types of dog toys that should be provided for every dog. These types of dog encouragement toys come in a variety of shapes, models and sizes. They’re usually made of soft rubber or plastic. These toys usually have a compartment for food and encouragement, and the dog must find a way to get food out. In this way, the dog has a lot of fun and finally eats his food. This type of toy is also very suitable for draining the mental energy of dogs when they are alone. Therefore, if you have a dog alone for a while during the day, be sure to get these toys for him.

A variety of puzzles and dog intellectual toys

Like food toys, these types of toys engage the dog mentally and exercise for the dog’s intelligence, with the difference that they have very little food space and are mostly based on incentives and reward systems. This type of dog toy has different pieces that give the dog encouraging treats as a reward. If the dog can solve the puzzle, it will eventually reach his prize, which is a treat. The puzzle is handy and entertaining for strengthening the dog’s intelligence and cognitive skills.

If you want to keep a pet such as a dog, you have to take good care of him. Dogs need daily exercise, But many dog ​​owners spend a lot of time outdoors and have to leave their dogs alone. When they return home, they find their dog sabotaging and chewing everything. You should know that dogs get tired and bored if they’re alone. So be sure to get different toys for their entertainment. Dogs need a lot of mobility, and the only way to drain their energy is to play and entertain them. MishkaGrooming’s specialized team is by your side in all steps of grooming, health, cleanliness, training and caring of your dog so that you can enjoy being with these beautiful and lovable creatures easier and better than before.


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