Different Types and Usage of Dog Diapers

If you have a dog or you want to bring a dog, you have probably heard the name of dog diapers. You may question the use of dog diapers and whether it is necessary to use them? This article will explain different types of dog diapers for puppies, female dogs, and male dogs.

What is a dog diaper?

As the name implies, dog diapers are a kind of cover that’s worn like a baby diaper. A dog can urinate or defecate whenever he needs it without polluting the environment. There’re different types of dog diapers, some of which are more comfortable and better for male and some for female dogs. Each of these diapers is designed to fit the dog’s body so that the dog feels more comfortable and gets used to wearing diapers sooner.

Different types of dog diapers

  • Diapers with belly bands

These diapers are often used for male dogs and have bands that close around the dog’s waist and genitals. If Norton’s dog has urinary incontinence and is still in the early stages of the problem, using this type of diaper may be the best option.

  • Perfect diapers

Puppies and dogs that don’t have the ability to control their urine and faeces are recommended to use full diapers. These diapers are just like baby diapers, except they have a small hole for the dog’s tail to pass through. This type of diaper completely covers the lower back of the dog and can prevent moisture and contamination from leaking out for several hours. The use of full diapers is more suitable for gentle and polite dogs; Because naughty and playful dogs can’t stand wearing this diaper and try to take it off.

  • Bands or collars diapers 

If the dog is vivacious and playful, there’s a possibility of moisture and dirt leaking out of the diaper. Maybe the dog isn’t comfortable in a full diaper or is always trying to take it off, you can try diapers with bands or collars. This type of diaper has bands that close tightly around the dog’s neck or chest and prevent shaking, slipping and leaking contamination.

Appropriate diaper size for the dog

Every diaper usually has a size guide, based on which you can buy the right size for your dog. We will provide a general guide to determining the size of diapers for your dog.

Extra small size:

  • Waist size 10-25 cm
  • Suitable for puppet breeds and young puppies

Small size:

  • Waist 22-38 cm
  • Suitable for small breeds such as Maltese, Jack Russell, Pekingese, etc.

Medium size:

  • Waist circumference 35-50 cm
  • Suitable for breeds such as Beagle, Cocker Spinel, Miniature Poodle, Pug, etc.

Large size:

  • Waist circumference 48-68 cm
  • Suitable for large breeds such as Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Border Gypsy, Dalmatian, Springer Spinel

Extra large size:

  • Waist size 66-88 cm
  • Suitable for breeds such as Boxer, Doberman, German Shepherd, Retriever, Rottweiler

dog diapers for training

Some dog owners believe that using a dog diaper is a good training tool for puppies. But in fact, using diapers for puppies is more to protect and not get carpets and furniture dirty. Even if you decide to use diapers for your puppy, remember to teach your dog to pee in the right place. You should also take your dog out to the bathroom regularly or provide him with a toilet and urine pad if he’s going to the toilet indoors.

 If you don’t want your dog to do dirty work at home even once during the training, you can use a dog diaper temporarily. You may be anxious when you want to go to a party with your dog or when you are travelling; you may be worried that your dog may soil your host or hotel, etc., so you can use diapers at that time. But don’t forget that dog diapers can only be used for a short period and shouldn’t substitute for puppy toilet training. Continuous and long-term use of diapers can cause many health problems for dogs.

Urinary incontinence in dogs

Sometimes your dog knows how to use the toilet completely but has developed urinary incontinence due to various diseases such as urinary tract infections, bladder problems, muscle weakness and health problems such as bacterial infections or diabetes. Even a trained dog may not be able to control his urination when he has these diseases.

Consult a veterinarian if your dog, who has always toilet in a special place without any problems, suddenly develops urinary incontinence and constantly urinates around the house.

If your dog’s incontinence is due to illness or health problems, using dog diapers can help prevent urinary tract contamination at home, and you no longer have to worry about your dog urinating in the wrong place.

Diapers for older dogs

Old and middle-aged dogs (over 7-8 years old), even those who are well trained, can sometimes make mistakes and not control their urine and faeces. Sometimes, even a dog forgets his toilet training because of old age! It’s interesting to note that dogs older than 11 years may develop something similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. this disease is called canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD). Although medication can cure this disease, the use of dog diapers can also help reduce its complications.

Female dog diapers during estrus

Female dogs generally enter estrus several times a year and bleed during this period. You can use a female dog diaper during dog estrus to prevent the genitals from licking constantly and spilling blood on carpets and furniture. These diapers are much more comfortable and compact than other diapers. They’re only used to absorb the dog’s bleeding, not urine and faeces. Of course, be aware that wearing these diapers doesn’t prevent the dog from mating, and the male dog can easily mate with the female dog.

Spaying a dog at the age of 6 months to 1 year has many benefits for the dog and his owner, including preventing the dog from estrus and stopping the bleeding. So there’s no need to use diapers for dogs.

Side effects of wearing dog diapers for a long time

Dogs aren’t used to or need to wear any clothing. So the use of diapers isn’t very compatible with their nature. For this reason, diapers should only be used when necessary (illness, etc.). Wearing diapers for a long time can have many health problems and complications for the dog. Skin itching and irritation, and pain are one of the first complications of wearing diapers.

If you don’t change the diaper for long hours, the dog has to endure dirty and contaminated diapers for a long time. Thus more problems such as burns, severe itching and skin inflammation and even bacterial infections can threaten your dog’s health that can cause pain and discomfort in him. But if your dog has conditions that he always has to wear diapers (such as illness and urinary incontinence) to prevent and reduce these complications, consider the following points:

  • Make sure the diaper you buy is soft and supple and has a high moisture absorption capacity.
  • The diaper area (especially in full diapers) shouldn’t be too tight not to irritate the skin.
  • Check your dog’s diaper regularly and change it if it gets dirty. Clean the contaminated area with water or preferably with a wet baby wipe.
  • The volume of urine and faeces of an adult dog is much larger than a puppy. So it’s necessary to change the diaper of an adult dog in shorter periods.
  • Be sure to discuss this with your veterinarian if you notice any skin irritation, inflammation, or redness.

Important points

  • Dog diapers have a lot of variety in terms of size, model as well as absorption capacity. Choose the best and most suitable diaper for your dog using the size guide and product description.
  • Some dog diapers can only absorb urine and shouldn’t be used for stool. When buying, be sure to read the product description carefully.
  • Change diapers as needed. Like baby diapers, dogs don’t like putting their wet and dirty diapers on for hours. Wet and contaminated diapers can irritate the skin. In more severe cases, they may cause burns, severe itching and skin inflammation, and even bacterial infections in dogs.
  • Clean the contaminated area with a baby wipe every time you change your dog diaper.
  • If your dog has a very short tail or no tail at all for any reason, cover the tail hole to minimize the possibility of leakage of contamination and moisture.
  • When changing your dog diapers, wear disposable gloves and avoid direct contact with contaminated diapers.
  • If your adult dog has urinary incontinence, be sure to take it to a veterinarian before using a diaper. Sometimes vet can easily solve this problem with surgery or medication.

Dogs cleanliness is something that everyone is looking for. Grooming and thorough cleaning, in addition to maintaining your dog’s health and vitality, also prevents the occurrence of many diseases. You can trust NeatEx’s specialized team and leave your dog grooming to us. Our professional groomers with the latest tools, the most specialized facilities, knowledge, and experience will give your beloved dog freshness and hygiene.


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