Do You and Your Dog Are Really Attached?

Dogs express their emotions in a variety of ways, from very small to obvious behaviours. Therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish between their good and bad mood. Your dog loves you unconditionally. Only sometimes they express their feelings in a stranger way. These signs will help you find out if you and your dog are really attached.

Makes eye contact with you

If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, insecure or scared, you don’t like to look deep into their eyes. Long-term and lasting eye contact is for those we love, trust and being with, which gives us a sense of security. The same goes for dogs. Keeping eye contact is a useful tool for training your dog and helps you establish a deep bond with him. In fact, when your dog looks at you, his brain secretes oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”; Oxytocin is the hormone that mothers’ brains produce when they first come in contact with their baby.

The point is, you need to keep your natural eye contact when playing and petting your furry friend. If you are forced to make eye contact with the dog, he probably won’t feel good and sad.

He relies on you

Like eye contact, you probably won’t rely on someone you don’t know or trust; So is your dog; whether he is sitting on the couch or the floor, if your furry friend leans on you, it means he will feel safe, confident and comfortable. Sometimes dogs rely on people when they feel scared or worried, but that means they consider you a supporter.

He sleeps in your bed.

If you don’t allow your furry friend to sleep on your bed, but he continues to do so and sleeps on your bed again, it means that he really loves you. He wants to be with you when you are asleep. It’s a sign that dogs don’t want to be away from you. If you still don’t allow him to sleep in your bed, then make a good bed for him.

To create the space that your dog likes, provide and arrange a bed with appropriate dimensions with a blanket. You can also use chew toys. Place the bed in the corner of the living room. This area allows your dog to use his own personal space while still being a member of your home.

When he gets home, he is delighted.

If your furry friend jumps up and down, licks your hands and face, and brings you his or her best toys when you return from work, school, or mission, it means he or she is really excited to see you.

Your dog takes your stinky shoes and socks back and forth.

Dogs that are attached to you and are always in front of you also like your smell. They may attack your shoes or socks to find your socks, T-shirts and underwear. Stealing or hiding dirty shoes and clothes isn’t always the best thing to do; Especially if your dog loves to chew. But you can prevent your puppy from chewing on these toys by entertaining them with fun toys and dog bones.

If you aren’t in your room, he will look for you.

More independent dogs may not always be with you. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t in love with you. If you’re in a new environment or walking and your dog is looking for you in another room, it means he wants to make sure he’s close to you.

He seeks physical and tactile communication.

Dogs really love touch and physical affection, and they look for that connection in the people they love. We don’t mean to pick up your dog and hug him tightly. Instead, cuddling, leaning, and perhaps a gentle hug can be strong signs of a real, intimate relationship between you and your dog.

He goes to the bathroom when he sees you.

Don’t worry. If your puppy goes to the bathroom as soon as he sees you, it isn’t a sign that you have failed to train him. Dogs pee a little when they’re excited. This little thing is actually a kind of dog affection to you. This means that your dog knows that you’re aware and responsible for him.

He brings you his favourite toy.

If your dog brings you his toys, it doesn’t just mean that he wants to play with you. Playing is a more obvious sign of your dog’s love for you. He gives you the most valuable and lovable gift of his possessions. So your dog definitely loves you.

He laughs at you

Some dogs learn how to smile by pulling their lips back and showing their large, wide, sharp teeth. A reciprocal smile and a happy voice will show your puppy how much you love him.

Dogs know your smell.

Your scent activates your dog’s reward centre. In a part of the brain known as the caudate nucleus, dopamine receptors are stronger. This part of our brain is activated when we humans wait for a pleasurable experience, such as eating our favourite food or meeting someone we love again. Neuroscientists trained the dogs to enter the MRI machine and scan their brains as they smelled different people. They discovered that only one odour activated the caudate nucleus of the brain. It was the smell of a person who dog knew. The researchers found that these brain activation patterns in dogs are very similar to when we humans see a picture of those we love.

Puppies shake their tails.

Many people think that wagging a dog’s tail always means friendship, while this movement has different meanings that are sometimes unpleasant. But when your puppy shakes his whole body while holding his tail at a medium height, it has only one meaning, and that is to be happy and excited to see someone he loves. The next time your dog shakes his tail excitedly, look at him more closely: If he shakes his tail more to the right of his body, he’s obviously delighted to be there.

Pay attention to your dog’s grooming and nutrition.

Many dogs naturally love the people they feed and care for. So give your dog nutritious meals every day and use that time to interact with your puppy. You can feed the dog in a stimulating and playful way that makes the dog dependent and interested in you. You should always tidy up your dog’s appearance and check his health regularly. For example, look for skin irritation that can bother your dog. For example, if you find fleas, talk to your veterinarian about the best treatments to help relieve the itching faster.

 Don’t punish your dog for a mistake.

If you use positive and correct training, there’s no need to punish your dog when making mistakes. Just point the dog in the correct direction and reward him as soon as you see the dog behaving properly. This reward enhances the friendship between you. Never yell or scare your furry friend. Reaction to anger makes the dog afraid of you and can damage your relationship. Be patient with your pet. Training some dogs will take longer than others.

Socializing is the right way to get a dog interested in you.

If you want to make your furry friend dependent and interested, don’t forget your dog’s relationship with other dogs or people. Keep in mind that if your dog is in contact with other dogs or people, he will behave happier. Let your dog socialize with others in a calm and accommodating environment. Don’t forget that associating a dog in a chaotic place can also cause him anxiety. So instead of just letting the dog walk in the dog park, you can take him to visit a friend who has a calm dog. Give the dogs a chance to interact, but don’t force them to do so.

Prioritize dog health.

If your puppy is sick, it’s difficult for him to feel friendly with you. Therefore, take your furry friend to the vet for regular checkups and not forget to get regular vaccinations. If your dog is injured or sick, start treating him immediately.

Learn what our dog likes.

Find out what makes your dog happy. It will make your relationship better and your furry friend more dependent on you. Let your dog do what he enjoys. For example, if your dog loves to play or dig, play with the ball with him every day or create an approved space for your dog to dig (such as a dog sandbox).

Get a toy for your dog.

It would be best if you played with your puppy regularly. Games like tug of war or playing with bubbles that you can make with soap can be entertaining for your puppy. If you’re tired of the usual games, buy new and interesting toys. Always choose toys that are the right size. If the toys are too small or have small parts to bite, your puppy may suffocate. Also, If the toys are too big, your dog may have trouble playing with them. Regularly inspect toys for tears or fractures that could pose a choking hazard.

So the more time you spend training and playing with your puppy, the better your results will be, which will make your puppy dependent and interested in you; therefore, you can experience beautiful moments together. Mishka Grooming’s specialized team accompany you with a group of experienced and accurate groomers in the path and steps of cleaning, grooming and training your beloved dogs to improve and enhance their mental and physical health.


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