Dog hair felting ـ untangle dog hair

You want to wash or brush your dog’s hair when you suddenly notice a lot of tangling and hair felting in his coat. This knot bothers not only you but also your dog. Dog hair felting means the same sticking or tangling of hair that is more common in animals with long, thin hair. In addition, clumping or tangling of hair is common in dogs that aren’t brushed regularly. To get rid of these wrinkles, a suitable method should be considered not to cause harm to the animal.

Dog hair felting

Tangled hair is normal in dogs with long hair. Daily activities and lack of regular hair care can be reasons for this hair felting. These factors will increase this problem day by day. 

Most parts of the hair felting

  • Behind the ear
  • Around the eyes   
  • Under the neck
  • Under the chest
  • armpit
  • Around the waist
  • Anus

Preventing dog hair felting 

Use a special anti-knot brush and comb the dog’s hair daily.

One of the reasons why brushing a dog is one of the most important tasks is to prevent knots and hair dampness, not create a living space for insects and not be sick or have any problems. One of the duties of a responsible pet dog is to choose a suitable brush and comb the dog’s hair daily; Because, in addition to giving it a tidy appearance, it helps maintain health and prevent hair loss on your sofa, bed, chair and car. Untangling a dog’s hair can be very time-consuming; So it takes patience on both sides; So be patient and easily care about your beloved dog.

Benefits of Regular Combing of Dog Hair
  • Neat hair
  • Cleaner coat
  • Shiner’s hair
  • More health and comfort for dogs
  • Deepen the relationship between you and your dog
  • No scratches, sores 
  • No spot hair loss
  • No inflammation 
  • Prevent the dog’s hair from being swallowed by itself while licking his body and accumulating hair in his gut
  • Prevent suffocation and congestion in the gastrointestinal tract 

Regular bathing of animals

Bathing plays an important role in keeping the health and hygiene of the dog’s skin and hair because it prevents the dog from getting wet. The dog’s body is indeed cleansed of all kinds of impurities by bathing; But in doing so, various factors must be considered.

Factors affecting the rate of bathing dogs
  • Daily activity rate
  • Living environment
  • Coat type 

It’s better to use different types of animal basins for bathing your dog; Because, in addition to being light, they have the ability to fold and be portable. So it can be easily used outside the home. 

Using a knot opener or conditioner for animal hair

Getting rid of dog hair tangles and knots isn’t easy; Therefore, in such a case, using emollient can be a great help; Especially for dogs whose hair is more likely to be tangled, using this product is the best solution for all types of dog hair felting. When taking the dog to the bath, soak him well in warm water, apply an animal conditioner all over his body, and massage his skin and hair well; it’s one of the best ways to prevent dog hair from getting damp.

Using baby powder

To prevent your dog’s hair from getting tangled, you can use some baby powder on the back of your pet’s hair before combing; This way will make the hair separate better, and the combing speed will be faster.


Don’t forget to use a special shaving machine for dogs to trim and make up. Trimming the entire hair every once in a while can be a way to untangle the dog’s hair and stop hair felting. Because it prevents hair’s knots, and you don’t have to fight with your dog to do so.

Things to know about animal hair shaving machines!

Because the blade of the shaving machine heats up as it works; It’s better to turn it off every five to ten minutes or put an ice cube tray on it so that it doesn’t burn the animal’s body. Before shaving, clean the blade with alcohol and allow it to dry; Then, lubricate the blade with a special oil every five minutes to prevent the device from overheating during use and increase the life of the device.

Untie the dog’s hair.

Prepare yourself

Untying a dog’s hair can be very time-consuming and requires a lot of patience. So instead, put the dog on your lap or on the table to have enough control over him.

Comb in the direction of hair growth

Comb in the direction of the hair. Don’t attack the hair with a brush so that your dog can work with you. Instead, try to separate the dog’s hair before combing it by hand.

Use an iron comb

After removing part of the hair by hand, use an iron comb and start from the surface of the tangled ball to reach inside. Don’t try to comb your dog’s hair at once. You have to have a lot of patience to untie the hair knots. Instead, part your dog’s hair and comb it little by little.

Use an iron brush

After combing, use an iron brush to loosen the rest of the knots. Brushing the dog releases sebum from the skin, which is good for the dog’s hair and gives it shine.

Use slicker brushes

With this brush, the undercoats used to keep the dog warm in winter are combed, and the diseased hair is separated.

Remove fallen hair

After combing, be sure to gather the spilled hair so that the dog doesn’t play or eat it.


For many tangles, you can use knotters. Then, after bathing the dog, you can untie the knot and use the dog conditioner.

Clean the brushes

Be sure to clean the brushes after use, especially if you use them for several animals.

Dogs are creatures of love and loyalty that fascinate and interest every human being. Distance, illness, loss, or any other problem that reduces the energy and mischief of these beautiful creatures will upset their owners. The only solution to this problem is regular care and grooming to increase their health and longevity. The Mishkagrooming specialized team accompanies you in all these steps so that you can enjoy being with your beautiful dogs more than before. 


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