Dog Hair Trimming (Part 1)

Dog hair needs to be trimmed every few months. Because it prevents the dog’s Vision due to overgrowth. In addition, it causes the dog to sweat in the summer and get fungal and tick diseases. So hair trimming is essential. The first point in dog hair trimming is to pay attention to the breed, how much hair is normal in each breed, and how much should be cut. Some dog breeds need to cut their hair short because they have good hair growth and long hair. Some breeds have shorter hair and need to be trimmed every few months. So all of them depend on your dog breed.

The importance of dog hair trimming

Before we train you how to trim your dog, let’s take a look at the importance of doing so.

dog shedding 

To prevent dog shedding, you should brush their coat regularly. Remember, there are different brushes for different types of dogs. Therefore, it’s better not to use a poodle dog brush for the Husky dog’s coat.

Tangling dog’s coat

In many cases, many people don’t have enough time to care for the dog, so they neglect to brush the dog’s coat regularly. It not only destroys the dog’s physical beauty but also makes it very difficult to bathe and brush.

Dog itching

Dog itching is another thing that makes people mainly think about trimming dog hair. But you should note that the dog’s itching reason is a skin problem. So, look for a skin allergy or irritant.


High hair growth in some dogs and their long hair makes their appearance messy. Therefore, in addition to the regular brushing of these dog’s coats, you should also pay attention to the regular shortening of his hair.

Eye health

Dog haircuts have a great impact on their health. In many long hair breeds, the hair around the eyes is also long and enters their eyes subconsciously. It will also cause eye infections in these breeds. But with regular haircuts, you can largely prevent eye diseases.

Anal cleansing

On the other hand, trimming dog’s hair is effective in keeping them clean and healthy. For example, many dog ​​owners keep the hair around their dog’s anus very short. Therefore, it’s easier to clean this part, the dog’s feces don’t dry on his long hair, and it causes fewer problems.

The heat

Dogs’ bodies are covered with long and short hair. This hair can increase the dog’s body temperature too much in the summer. So to prevent dogs from overheating, it’s better to cut their hair short, at least in hot seasons. But don’t shave or cut your dog’s hair too much because it will cause the sun to burn your dog’s skin.

Excessive haircut for dogs

In the previous section, we introduced the reasons that make you think about dog trimming. However, considering that the dog’s hair indicates his health, we will introduce the side effects of too much hair trimming in the following.


When you remove the dog’s hair, the skin’s protective layer, sunlight reaches the skin and causes sunburn.

Infection and colds

As mentioned, a dog coat works similarly to thermal insulation. Therefore, if you cut your dog’s hair too short, you increase the risk of various diseases such as hypothermia or frostbite, infection chips and cold in winters.

Skin irritation

When a dog’s skin is in direct contact with air and dust, his body can react and become sensitive to these contaminants.

Dog’s embarrassment

In many animals, when their hair is too short, the animal experiences little stress and embarrassment. As a result, he may decrease his daily activities and hide somewhere. Therefore, if you encounter such situations for a few days after the dog hair trimming, don’t worry and only give your dog a chance to cope with the new situation and return to the previous state.

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