Dog Hair Trimming (Part 2)

You should trim dogs’ hair regularly; Because hair overgrowth can cause many problems for them. The amount of haircuts is different in each breed, and it’s better to get help from a professional group. In the previous part, we said that trimming the dog’s hair is very important, including preventing dog hair loss, tingling, itching, beauty, eye health, cleaner anus and preventing overheating. But excessive hair trimming also has its problems and disadvantages. These disadvantages include sunburn, infection and colds, skin irritation and the dog’s embarrassment. This section will teach you how to cut dog hair properly and care for them afterward.

Different methods of trimming dog’s hair

You can cut your dog’s hair with scissors or an electric shaver.

Trimming dog hair with an electric shaver 

  • Start trimming your dog with an electric shaver. These tools are safer than scissors and trim the dog’s hair much faster. Just make sure the razor blades are sharp enough not to pull your dog’s hair.
  • Most shavers have clipper guards that you can use to cut hair in different sizes. If you are unsure which clipper guard to use, start with the largest and work your way up to the smallest.
  • Start by brushing the dog’s hair, working on the tangles and uneven parts. Note that tangled hair can be very close to the skin and difficult to open. Sometimes they can lead to an infection on the skin.
  • If you notice redness, swelling, or infection, it’s better to see the vet before cleaning the area.
  • When using the shaver, proceed slowly and try to do the shaving according to the path of hair growth. If possible, get help from someone to hold the dog.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is that an electric shaver razor may become hot during prolonged use, so be sure to check the blade temperature from time to time to allow it to cool.

Trimming a dog’s hair with scissors

  • Use scissors to cut the hair around the dog’s legs, ears and face. To trim these parts, use only the tip of the scissors. Because if the dog makes sudden movements, you can quickly remove the scissors from them.
  • Keep your dog’s ears away from the blades when working with scissors. You can ask someone to help you. So you can minimize the risk.

An experienced and professional groomer should decide the best time to trim a dog’s hair. Of course, determining how much you should trim dog hair is another matter that a specialist should do. It’s better not to do this yourself at home; Because the slightest mistake in doing this will have bad consequences for the dog.

Necessary care after dog haircut

Dogs that have recently had their hair cut need special care. Therefore, consider the following after trimming your dog at home:

  • Don’t take the dog out for long walks. Especially on hot days!
  • Don’t let the dog stay outside for long periods of time, such as playing in the yard.
  • If you take him out, use special sunscreen for the animal’s back or some clothes.
  • If you see red spots on the skin of this animal after the haircut, be sure to use a cream or lotion for them.
  • Cutting the dog’s skin causes itching. Therefore, in the days after trimming, please don’t allow your dog to scratch these areas; Because it will only irritate him more.
  • Don’t forget to brush new hair regularly; Otherwise, the dog’s hair will be tangled again, causing more problems for the dog and you!

 Dog grooming helps a dog’s health and beauty. Having long hair causes problems such as lice, infectious diseases and hair tangles for dogs. Some breeds’ hair grows so fast that it covers their eyes. In this case, you need to trim your dog’s hair regularly. Regular grooming isn’t a complicated task. If done correctly with the right techniques, cleanliness, and regular appearance, it will cause positive behavioural and skin reactions. MishkaGrooming specialized team with professional groomers, great interest and care will keep your dogs healthy, beautiful and clean.

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