Dog Shedding – the Causes and Preventions

For those who own a pet and are probably a little overwhelmed by dog shedding, they definitely wonder why their dog’s hair falls out. Dog shedding is normal. Of course, some severe shedding that causes baldness on one part of the animal’s body can indicate a specific illness or poor dog nutrition. This article gives you useful information about the various causes of dog shedding and the appropriate prevention and treatment. 

Dog shedding’s causes

Dog shedding can be for various reasons. Some of them can cause completely normal hair loss, but some are quite serious and related to the dog’s health. So it would help if you treated dog shedding as soon as possible. The most important causes of it include the following:

Natural dog hair loss

Dogs experience seasonal hair loss quite naturally. In winter, they have more hair to protect themselves from the cold, which with the arrival of summer and heat, this shedding occurs and is considered the season of dog shedding; Because in this season, dogs need to be light to stay cool. So if the cause is only related to this season, rest easy because it’s completely natural.

Hormonal changes in different stages of reproduction

Hormonal changes in dogs are known as another cause of dog shedding. Therefore in some stages of reproduction, there’s a possibility of dog shedding when they have hormonal changes. Pregnant or lactating dogs often experience hair loss. By the end of the dog’s delivery and the puppies’ milking, hormonal changes occur for the mother dog. Day by day, this shedding decreases until it stops. However, if it doesn’t stop and severe hair loss continues, you must see a veterinarian.


It’s interesting to know that veterinarians believe that 70% of the cause of severe dog hair loss is allergies. Allergens that normally affect skin health, such as flea bites, food allergies, and environmental allergies, can cause allergies in dogs. Allergies are usually genetic and can manifest themselves with irritants.

Signs and symptoms of allergies
  • Itchy skin
  • Yellow spots
  • Newly grown hair loss
  • Severe itchy ears
  • Severe diarrhea

If your dog has any of these symptoms, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Skin’s infections

When a dog’s body is injured for any reason, it can become infected with bacteria and fungi if the wound is open or untreated. After a while, the wound becomes very inflamed and red, and pus comes out. Oral antibiotics and ointments can be a good treatment. In some cases, if the severity of the infection is very high, intravenous antibiotics may be needed, which should be done under the supervision of a veterinarian. So the cause of dog shedding in an area called baldness can be due to the same skin infections that haven’t been checked or treated on time. Remember that open wounds need quick healing, and superficial wounds need early treatment or the use of antifungal ointments.

Fleas or ticks

Fleas and ticks are tiny creatures; when they reach the animal’s body, they begin to suck blood and multiply. They’re completely contagious and can be easily transmitted from any animal to another or even a human. These insects cause excessive itching. This itching continues until it leaves a deep wound. So consult a veterinarian immediately to start with medication and shampoo for treatment and reduce hair irritation, itching and sore skin.


This parasitic disease is quite common in dogs which is even more severely itchy than fleas and ticks. If the dog isn’t properly cared for hygienically, it can cause this parasite to appear in the animal’s body. Therefore, scabies should be treated with special drugs only under the supervision of a veterinarian.


Some dog breeds develop baldness in a part of the body, such as the ear, as they get older and grow. You may be worried when you see this scene, and your veterinarian will conclude with various tests. Finally, he claims that it isn’t a special problem and the cause of dog shedding is solely due to its genetics.

Different dog breeds shedding.

If hair loss is due to certain diseases discussed above, there’s no difference between various breeds. Certainly, any race can get the disease and, as a result, hair loss. But if we want to consider natural or seasonal dog shedding, there are numerous differences in every breed. For example, Poodle dogs have minimal seasonal shedding. So remember that if you’re sensitive to the dog’s seasonal hair loss and its spreading in the house, be sure to choose the right breed.

Grooming effect on dog shedding

Dog’s grooming and hygiene are very effective in shedding. In addition, washing and trimming prevent skin diseases. If there’s a skin problem such as wounds or fleas and ticks hidden in the body, you can find it during bathing and start treatment very soon. Timely trimming also prevents the dog’s hair from getting tangled or contaminating to cause allergies.

Dog shedding prevention

If the shedding was seasonal and natural, there’s no need for medical action; give them proper and nutritious food. But if this dog shedding is accompanied by severe itching, swelling of a specific area, baldness etc., see a veterinarian immediately.

Nutrition effect in reducing and treating dog hair loss

If the dog’s food is healthy and nutritious, the dog shedding period will be much easier. Dogs with allergies should have their diet completely monitored by a veterinarian and avoid foods that cause allergies. On the other hand, an ideal diet makes the dog more resistant to disease.

Suitable shampoo

As you know, different types of shampoos with various brands are available in pet shops. However, it’s better to consult your veterinarian to choose the right shampoo compatible with your dog’s skin. Undoubtedly, there are dogs with allergies or dry skin that should use special shampoos.

Like any other animal, dog shedding is somewhat normal, and if it has a seasonal reason, it isn’t a concern. But every dog ​​can get allergies, fleas and ticks during his life. So no matter how much you take care of your dog and keep the environment clean, he may be transferred to another animal or the environment around the park when you go to the park together. In this article, we tried to teach you that if this happened to your dog; Don’t worry at all and visit a veterinarian quickly to understand the cause of dog shedding and minimize the treatment duration. Mishkagrooming specialized team will help you in this process and every other dog care. So you can enjoy being with your beloved dog more than before.



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