Dog Training Clicker

You must have seen dog training videos that the dog trainers press a clicker whenever the dog does the right thing. What is a dog clicker, and what effect do you think this device has on dog training? Do dog owners need to use it? Or is the dog clicker just a professional tool for dog trainers? If you know the benefits of the training clicker and know the correct way to use it, you can train your dog much more easily and faster. But what exactly is a dog clicker, how does it work, and when should it be used?

What is a dog clicker?

The clicker is a straightforward, mechanical and plastic device with a button. By pressing that button, a sound similar to a click is raised. This simple and inexpensive tool plays an important role in dog training and helps you train your dog sooner and better. How to work with a dog training clicker is also very simple, But there are some important points that you must follow.

Dog training with Clicker

The use of clickers in dog training is a viral educational method among dog trainers and dog owners. Dogs instinctively tend to please their owners, and if you use the right training method, you can easily train your dog.

Fighting, yelling and punishing dogs is wrong! This method has no training effect and only causes the dog to be afraid of you and not do that in your presence. Moreover, fighting has a terrible effect on your relationship with your dog, so the dog can’t trust you. The best way to train dogs is positive affirmation. Instead of fighting for the wrong thing, you encourage him to do the right thing. In fact, in dogs and all animals in nature, it has been scientifically proven that behaviours leading to rewards and food are very likely to be repeated.

Dog clicker role in training

The dog clicker is used for positive confirmation and to emphasize the dog’s correct behaviour. When the dog does something right, you encourage him verbally and then give him a treat. Now the clicker comes and adds a clicking sound to this method and makes the training much more effective. In fact, the treat you give the dog after the clicker completes its training effect. So don’t think just hearing clicker’s voice is enough for the dog, and there’s no need for a reward.

Although the best reward for most dogs is food and encouragement, sometimes you can give non-food rewards; For example, a short game, cuddling, giving his favourite toy or a hobby and activity that the dog likes can also be considered a reward. But the important thing is that after the clicker, a prize must be given to the dog!


Verbal encouragement is a good way to confirm a dog’s behaviour; But we may use a word with a different tone each time; For example, once I say good or bad, I happily say good boy! Our voice tones are low and high, and we approve of the dog differently each time. But the clicker sound is always constant; Because of this, the dog becomes conditioned to hear the clicker’s voice sooner. He knows that hearing this voice means he has done the right thing. Now he has to wait for a treat, food or a reward. The clicker’s sound helps the dog focus more on the training, follow your instructions more carefully, and be less distracted.

If you want your dog to sit down and fully do the action, press the clicker button. The dog gradually realizes that when he’s fully seated, he receives a reward. So he’ll better understand what you mean.

If you want to encourage your dog, there’s usually a gap between completing the move and rewarding it, which can harm dog training. For example, if you ask your dog to roll over on the ground or do something from a distance (for example, a fitch game or a ball game), it will take a while to encourage him with a treat. Still, if you use a clicker while training, even a few steps away, you can push its button so that the dog can hear its sound.

Using clicker in dog training

How a dog clicker works is very simple; you must pay attention to a few small but important points.

Show your dog the clicker and how it works.

Choose a time when the dog is completely calm. The environment should also be tranquil without any distractions. Now show the clicker to the dog and let him smell and check it. Once your dog gets used to the clicker, it’s time to show him how it works. Show the clicker to the dog, then press the button. When the dog hears a click, could you give him a tasty treat? Do this several times so that the dog communicates between the clicker and the treat. Then he knows that apparently, every time he hears this sound, a delicious treat is waiting for him.

Use the clicker to train the dog.

Now that your dog is familiar with clickers, it’s time to start training him. Start with a simple movement and command like sit down. When the dog (even accidentally) is fully seated, press the clicker and immediately give him a treat. Your dog had previously made a connection between clicker’s voice and a treat. Little by little, he realized that his voice apparently had something to do with his actions and behaviours!

Add a verbal command to the training.

Now use a verbal command like “sit down,” When the dog sits on the ground, press the clicker and encourage him. You have to repeat this training repeatedly for the dog to learn the order: verbal command, getting things done, clicker sound and giving a treat!

Have persistence and perseverance

The main secret of training, repetition, persistence and perseverance in exercises. So don’t expect your dog to learn everything completely with one or two exercises. But if you persevere, you can use the clicker for various training, such as teaching a dog to use the toilet and basic commands. Also, be aware that you should always encourage the dog after the clicker; Even if you mistakenly hit the button! The law is the law, and if you want your dog to learn this method, you must respect this law yourself.

Important and practical tips

The most important thing is correct scheduling. If you press the click button with a delay of a few seconds, forget to give a treat or treat too late, this dog may be confused and unable to communicate between them.

Use small treats. You will usually need a lot of treats and food at each training session. So it’s better to use tiny treats so that the dog doesn’t become obese and overweight.

Using this device has an expiration date! Remember that the clickers should only be used to train new behaviours. When the dog has learned good behaviour and hears your command, he does the job completely and correctly. So you should gradually remove the clicker and, even later, the treat. 

Dog Clicker is a simple but practical training tool that can help you train your dog. Every time the dog does the right thing, you confirm his behaviour by clicking and then giving treats and letting him know that you’re satisfied with his work. The Mishkagrooming team consists of professional groomers who eagerly care for dogs. They’re knowledgeable in grooming, training, and so many other things to keep your beloved dogs healthy and happy.


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