Dog Vomiting ; Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention! (Part 2)

In the first part, we explained dog vomiting. This problem has different symptoms that different diseases can cause. We said that sometimes dog vomiting is caused by eating substances difficult for the digestive system to digest, such as chocolate, garbage, grass. But intestinal parasites, distemper disease, etc., can also cause vomiting in dogs. We also described the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of each separately. We also described white foam vomiting and bloody vomiting in dogs as complete. In this section, we will describe parvovirus disease, liver and kidney failure along with symptoms, treatment and prevention separately.

Important diseases for dog vomiting

Parvovirus disease and dog vomiting

Parvovirus in dogs is an infectious disease that causes vomiting and bloody diarrhea. The disease’s lethality is so great that, just like distemper, dogs need to be vaccinated against them from a young age to find the necessary resistance to it.


  • frailty
  • Vomit
  • bloody diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Anorexia
  • Lethargy


As we said, this disease is a viral disease that they have no treatment for. only their period must pass. ِSo it would help if you took the necessary care during this period.


The most important thing to do is to take the dog vaccination seriously and do it on time. Remember that your dog may still get the disease even after being vaccinated, but his symptoms will be mild, and his chances of survival will be much higher.

Liver failure and dog vomiting

The liver is a vital organ in the body that plays an important role in digestion, blood clotting, and toxins from the body. Liver problems are usually treatable, but if left untreated, they can cause serious brain problems. One of the causes of dog vomiting can be liver failure.


  • Increasing the dog’s age
  • Overusing painkiller
  • Greasy food
  • Diabetes
  • Genetics
  • Infection
  • Bacteria
  • Some diseases and medicines


  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • diarrhea and vomiting
  • High thirst
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Inability to walk properly
  • Confusion
  • Jaundice of eyes, tongue and gums
  • Blood in urine or feces


The treatment chosen depends on the extent and the primary cause of the disease. Treatment methods include:

  • Diet change
  • taking medication
  • Surgery


Don’t forget about annual dog examinations and vaccinations to prevent liver problems. Make sure your veterinarian is aware of any medications your dog is taking. Diet plays a vital role in preventing liver problems. If you give your dog high-fat foods, know that you are endangering his liver’s health. The best diet is one that is written by a nutritionist based on your dog’s specific characteristics. 

Kidney failure

The dog’s kidneys play a very vital role. Maintaining the balance of substances in the blood and excreting body wastes through urine is the kidneys’ duty. In addition, the kidneys are responsible for controlling blood pressure and phosphorus levels. Its problems or illnesses can be caused by medication or poor diet, infection, lack of oxygen, or other illnesses. One of the main reasons that can cause kidney problems for dogs is dental disease. In this way, the bacteria that cause tooth decay, as the disease progresses, enter the bloodstream and cause irreparable damage to the dog’s kidneys, liver and heart.


  • Change in water consumption
  • Changes in the need to urinate
  • Depression and lethargy
  • Vomit
  • Anorexia or increased appetite
  • Bad Breath
  • Blood in the urine
  • Weight Loss


Depending on the extent of the disease, your veterinarian can consider different treatments. Here are a few:

  • taking medication
  • serum
  • Frequent urine tests and monitoring of its changes
  • Control of vomiting
  • Medication for digestive problems
  • Dialysis
  • Diet change
  • Elimination of anemia
  • Control of high blood pressure
  • Treatment of possible diseases that cause kidney problems


  • Be careful what your dog eats, whether indoors or when he goes out for a walk.
  • Always prepare fresh water for your dog.
  • Don’t give your dog medicine on your own.
  • Take care of your dog’s mouth and teeth seriously.
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