Dos and don’ts of dog grooming

Dog grooming at home is hard work that sometimes may damage and hurt them. Taking care of dogs in pet shops makes them safe and comfy. Instead of cleaning your dog yourself, choose a professional and knowledgeable groomer. Dogs bathing and cleaning is an important job, so it is essential to consider the best way of cleaning for them. But Mishka dog grooming in West Hampstead has provided some tips for dos and don’ts of dog grooming at home.

Dos of dog grooming

  1. Groom your dog frequently

Imagine yourself without showering and washing your body and hair for weeks. You feel terrible, and others think of you as a detestable and hateful person. It is also right about dogs. It causes problems and disease for some dogs that are hard to be seen easily. Brush and clean dogs regularly. Some breeds need more grooming. Overgrown nails are risky and stressful for their health and make them feel painful. So trimming is necessary.

  1. Stay calm

Dogs feel your stress. So you have to be patient. Spend a lot of time cleaning them. Be careful of your dog’s reaction. Groom slowly. If your dog trembles or shakes, give them a break. If your dog is scared of scissors and nail clippers and moves a lot, trim them little by little in a week. Praise and cuddle them to make a positive feeling while washing. Kindness makes them get used to grooming better.

  1. Brush in a safe and light place

Choose a safe and light place that prevents your dog from slipping and falling, and you can see the process of grooming thoroughly. Don’t leave your dog alone. It causes an irreparable accident. Brush them a lot if they love. It makes a good relationship between you and your dog. This can be a reward for their good works, too.

  1. Use suitable tools

Based on the dog’s fur and coat, you have to choose the appropriate equipment. Ask your vet for a good and high-quality brush, scissors, nail clippers, etc., for your dog’s breed.

  1. Some dogs need more attention

If you don’t brush your dog regularly, it makes your dog sick. They will have mats and other severe problems on their body, behind their ears and legs. Check your dog’s coat and fur frequently.

  1. Notice your limitation

Despite your attention and effort, your dogs may move a lot and stop you from good grooming, especially for nail trimming. In this situation, ask a professional dog groomer to help you. You can ask for advice from a reliable groomer about natural calming supplements.

 Don’ts of dog grooming

  1. Don’t hurry

You aren’t thankful for your hairstylist or nail technician if they hurry a lot; Dogs either. You have to be patient, calm and relaxed. Rush and fast grooming make lots of problems and long-lasting threats to your dog’s life and health.

  1. Stop gripping your dog’s fur

Never grip or tether your dog while grooming. It gives them stress and an uncomfortable experience.

  1. The perfumed shampoo is annoying for dogs

Dog’s coats are so susceptible. Fragrant bath equipment is irritating for a dog’s coat, body and skin. Select a simple and non-aromatic shampoo.

  1. Avoid bathing your dogs every day

Just groom dogs when they are dirty and smelly. A lot of bathing destroys their natural oils and causes skin and temperature-regulating problems for them. Bathing should be in a warm place because cold water drops the dog’s body temperature. Always dry your dog with a towel and never use a blow dryer. It’s frightening; overheating is dangerous and scares them.

  1. Dogs shouldn’t be tasked with too much work

Brushing, bathing, nail and fur trimming, etc shouldn’t be done at once. It’s a big mistake. Do them step by step in different parts. Make grooming an exciting and enjoyable experience, not a stressful and upsetting one.

  1. Too short nails are harmful

Do not shorten your dogs nail too much; because it can be annoying and disturb every dog. Dog’s nail has a blood vessel called “quick”. Cutting their nails too short makes bleeding and lots of pain. If you don’t know the place of “quick”, trim nail tips frequently or hooks of toenails. Some dogs are playful; wait until they become calm and still. Nail trimming can be stressful for your puppy. If you can’t do it alone, ask a professional groomer to help you.

  1. A nail clipper with a guard is annoying for dogs

Some nail clippers have a guard that helps to stop over trimming. But one significant disadvantage of it is that it obstructs your view. And you can’t do trimming appropriately. You can use your finger as a guard or hold the dog’s nail against a hard surface to stop its movement.

  1. Cleaning a dog’s ears is so crucial

Ear cleaners are an excellent way to clean the dog’s ears occasionally. It will avoid irritating ear infection and problems. Try not to wet your dog’s ear while bathing. Water and shampoo cause a terrible infection and disease. You can ask a groomer or a good vet for the best ear cleaner.

  1. Take care of your equipment

Sharpen your nail clipper blade frequently and exchange it once a year. Blunt and filthy blades bother and scare dogs. Don’t ignore your tools.

  1. Continue your way; never stop

It takes a while to get accustomed to your dog and to make them feel at home. A professional groomer is an excellent option for your dog’s health. Search online or ask a trustful vet to find a highly recommended groomer. Don’t forget to stay with your groomer and your dog while grooming.

You are your dog’s most prominent and the best supporter. Try to take them to a reliable dog groomer. They are knowledgeable and know the best way that your dog will feel great and comfortable. Choosing a professional groomer is beneficial for your dog. If you need any grooming services, you can come to Mishka and leave your dog at our professional groomer’s hands. You can encourage your friends and others that they can prevent severe injuries and fatalities by going to a confidential grooming shop.

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