Ear infection in dogs

Dogs are our friends, and like humans, they need health care services to avoid many problems and diseases. An ear infection is one of the common issues in dogs that is very painful. It happens due to the growth of bacteria or yeast in the canal.

Ear infection in dogs

An ear infection is a common problem in dogs that many happen because of skin allergies, ear mite, and growth of bacteria inside the ear. Ear infection in dogs can be in two types:

  • Outer ear canal infection
  • Middle or inner ear infection

An outer ear infection is more common in dogs and is also called otitis externa, and it can have different symptoms. It is essential to diagnose it at the early stages before it severe issues and damages.

The causes of ear infections

Ear infection in dogs may happen due to different reasons. Knowing these reasons can help dogs owners to avoid it.  The most common causes of outer ear infection can be:

  • Bacteria or yeast inside the ear
  • Matted hair in the ear canal
  • Wax buildup
  • Outer objects
  • Debris
  • Skin allergies
  • Anatomical issues

The symptoms of ear infection in dogs?

Symptoms of ear infection in dogs can be different and may not also appear quickly. Infections are sometimes painful and make your dog show different behaviors. Knowing the symptoms can help you to diagnose it immediately and do the necessary things to cure it. The symptoms of ear infection are:

  • Scratching the ears
  • Shaking head
  • Rubbing face or head
  • Using one side of the face frequently
  • Lack of balance
  • Partial deafness
  • Redness in the outer area of the ear
  • Swelling in outer parts of the ear

Don’t forget that you are the best friend of your dog. You know your dog better than others; therefore, you can understand any changes in dogs’ behavior.

What are the best ways to avoid any ear problems in your dog?

Using these useful tips not only can help you to avoid any ear infection but also can keep your dog happy and healthy:

  • Always check your dog’s ear. If you see any redness or unusual swelling, take them to a vet.
  • Do not the moisture remain into your dog’s ears. Humidity is one of the leading causes of ear infection
  • Keep your dog’s ear clean. Matted hair in-ear canal can cause ear infection in dogs. Dog groomers can do it in the best way for you
  • Do follow-up checks and take you dog to grooming and veterinarian regularly
  • Dog grooming can help you

Taking your dog to a professional groomer can be very important. Dog grooming techniques can help to avoid ear infection in your dog. You may ask how! Groomers have special tolls and enough experience in cleaning dogs’ ears and cutting the matted hair inside the ear canal. Professional dog groomers with their specific techniques and knowledge, know how to behave dog and not to make them annoyed or angry. Besides, dog grooming is also essential for your dog’s physical and mental health. Your puppy will feel happier and fresh after a grooming session.

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