Amazing facts about dogs

Dogs are amazing animals that can surprise us by their facts. Any dog owner knows that there is much to know about dogs’ life and how to keep them happy and healthy. Dogs give us unconditional love and loyalty. There are lots of amazing that fewer people know them. Here we have provided surprising facts about dogs.

Historical facts about dogs

  1. In 1796, dog owners had to pay tax for their dogs and other pets. Unfortunately, many dogs’ owners killed their dogs because of this.
  2. The oldest fossil of dog dates back to 10,000 BC
  3. Cats were mostly selected to be a god or goddess, but followers of Mithras worshipped dogs and respected them for several centuries during the Roman Empire.
  4. The rights of animals were first adopted in Japan, and some punishments were considered for those who annoy or kill animals. For Example, the punishment of those who killed a dog was execution.

Facts about dogs’ physical characteristics

  1. The metabolism in dogs is higher than in people. Dogs do breathe faster, faster pump blood, and grow up more quickly. Also, their average body temperature is higher humans.
  2. Dogs use their wet nose tips to feel the warmth of the surrounding objects, just like an infrared heat sensor. During some amazing experiments study by scientists at Lund University in Sweden and a team from the University of Eötvös Loránd in Hungary, this fantastic new skill in dogs was discovered.
  3. Dogs have a fantastic sight. They have a powerful ability to see different light, colours and movements. The rod in the retina of the eyes distinguishes dogs’ eyes from humans. In fact, their eyes work much better than humans.
  4. Another amazing fact about dogs’ eyes is that they have three eyelids. The third eyelid protects eyeballs from stretch or inflammation, and it is called the nictitating membrane.
  5. The canal of ears in a dog is very deep, and that is why the hearing ability is four times better than humans. Dogs are amazing in determining the direction of sounds. But be careful! The deeper ear canal in dogs may lead to different problems such as ear infection. If you clean your dogs’ ear in the right way or keep your pussy to a groomer regularly, you can avoid such problems.
  6. All we know about the unique sense of smell in dogs. The sense of smell in dogs is a million times stronger than humans. Dogs can even detect a very faint odour. That’s why police use dogs to find drugs and explosives.

Facts about dogs’ mental characteristics

  1. The personality of dogs may be more profound than what we think. The study, conducted by William Chopik, a professor of psychology at Michigan State University, found that dogs’ personalities are shaped by their environment and their owners. Dogs have their own personality characteristics that develop throughout their lives and they learn how to react in certain situations. These personality traits, like humans, can change over time.
  2. Dogs can understand the emotions of humans. That is why they react to our anger or our happiness. A new study shows that dogs’ emotional centres in their brains light up with feelings of joy and laughter. Dogs express their love for humans sincerely.
  3. Dogs love new toys. Dogs are intelligent and enjoy new things such as new smells, changes, new shapes, and new textures. For this reason, they prefer to play with new toys and get tired of their old ones. If you want to make your dog happy, buy them a new toy.
  4. Dogs are jealous. If you have a dog and want to add a new member to your family (even a new dog or pet), watch your puppy feelings because dogs may feel that you are not paying enough attention to them and this can make them depressed.
  5. Dogs can understand lies. Dogs do not listen to those who are untrustworthy.
  6. Dogs love to be petted. They prefer to be petted rather than admired so if you want your dog to feel good, reward and pet them.
  7. Dogs relax with classical music. Classical music relieves stress and anxiety from them. If you have to leave your dog alone during the day, play classical music to keep your dog happy. Classical music also helps them not to be depressed.

Fun facts about dogs

  1. Dogs have their fingerprints. You may think that the paws of dogs are all the same, but you should know that their paws print is as unique as human fingerprints.
  2. Dogs dream like humans. You may have noticed that your dog twitches or whimpers. The pattern of dogs’ brain waves acts like the human brain in sleep, and this allows them to dream. But not all dogs dream the same amount. Smaller dogs dream more than bigger dogs.
  3. Dogs fall in love. The idea that dogs can fall in love was suggested by anthropologist Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, author of The Social Life of Dogs. Dogs’ brain release oxytocin. Oxytocin is a love hormone and is released when you hug and kiss.
  4. Dogs act like a compass. Dogs can see ultraviolet light, which means they do not need a compass because they can sense the earth’s magnetic field. Dogs can hear some of the ultrasonic waves that bats use to move in the dark.
  5. Dogs do not like hot weather. Dogs’ bodies are covered with a lot of hair, and their body temperature is higher than humans. The average human body temperature is 37 degrees, but the normal body temperature of dogs is 38 degrees.
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