Friendship Between Dogs and Cats

Most of us have developed the wrong and outworn belief that there can be no friendship between dogs and cats. While this is totally wrong, you need to know that cats and dogs can be best friends for life, and this fact had obviously been showing off mostly in social media these days.

So, if you have decided to adopt cats and dogs together, and if you wonder how to form the best relationship among them, we are here to tell you what to do.

How to Create a Friendship between Dogs and Cats?

Step One: The newly arrived pet at your home must be kept in a separate room because this relationship needs to form slowly. The room should be comfortable and contain needed toys and tools, so your guest starts to feel at home. Make sure the older pet to be tied before the new guest to prevent any potential attacks and injuries from the older pet.

Step Two: Touch and pat both the dog and the cat. In this way, you make them see that you want them both and you can transfer the smell of one of them to another by patting them with your hand. Wait for a few days, and this patting will make a bond between the dog and the cat.

Step Three: Now it’s time for them to be introduced to one another. Let them get close and touch each other. In this step, most dogs will start to bark and show signs of violence. If this happens, separate them, and do the same sometime later again. Repeat this until they get used to the presence of each other.

Step Four: Never leave your dog and cat alone with each other and never force them to be friends. Especially, cats can’t stand being forced, so forcing them will result in unwanted outcomes. Make sure the paws and nails of your pets are groomed so that they won’t hurt each other accidentally.

Step Five: Take a walk with your pals and let them experience the world outside together. Let them play and run in the open. If you see signs of violence from any of them, keep them back and try to let them know that this is bad.

Step Six: Work more on your dog. Dogs are more flexible and have a more powerful acceptance than cats. Dogs are the most influential and dominating part of the friendship between dogs and cats. So if Your dog decides to accept the cat, they will be best friends to the end of the world.

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