How to bond with your dog?

How to bond with your dog?

While the love between you and your dog is naturally formed, the bond takes all that love a step further. In other words, a strong bond is essentially the glue of your relationship and it is built upon trust and respect. Bond is something that will stop your dog from running away when you forget to shut the front door. It is in fact important to know, how to bond with your dog. If you intend to create a strong and unbreakable bond with your dog, then there are a couple of steps that you need to take. We’ve managed to mention some here:

Top tips: How to bond with your dog?

Put a little love into their food

The best way to occupy a place in your dogs’ hearts is through their stomach and preparing healthy, tasty food for them shows you care. If possible, you can take the effort and cook for them and if not, try focusing on preparing the best food in the most delicious way. Who wouldn’t be impressed and grateful by a portion of delicious food?

Praise and use treats

many people praise their dog a ton when they first bring him home but most of them usually fail to keep up the positive commentary. When dogs are praised, they simply understand that you appreciate their good behaviours and for sure, there are endless daily opportunities to give your dog positive feedback, though sometimes praising by itself will not suffice it. You need to use treats for the best behaviours of all and it will wonderfully encourage them to show those behaviours more often. Give your dog actual attention.

You may assume walking your dog for a specific amount of time every day, will be enough in creating a strong bond, but do you also know that it is very important to pay attention to them while walking?
When you take your dog for a walk, try not to chat on your phone or scroll down through your phone all the time. They will notice and be upset!! Instead, talk to your dog and let him know what a good boy he is and even try to get your steps in sync with your dog’s in order to deepen your bond.

Remain calm to bond with your dog

You need to know that dogs are very intuitive. They can see that they’ve upset you and they’ll feel bad and guilty about it; they may even blame themselves more than you can possibly imagine.
It is understandable that it is hard to remain calm sometimes; especially if they’ve done something really wrong, but always keep in mind that yelling, screaming, throwing things and threatening to hit them will scare them more than you think and they’ll find it difficult to trust you later on. This doesn’t mean that you must pretend as nothing has happened; you need to maintain cool while letting your dog know he has misbehaved. The best way is to try to prevent any overreaction and communicating with him clearly and tell him what he did wrong.

Give him responsibilities

Imagine living in a house in which there is nothing for you to do and all you get to do is eating and sleeping; wouldn’t you feel useless? Well, it can be just as upsetting for your dog as it is for you. Dogs need to feel they are important. They feel proud and accomplished when they help their owner or anybody else under their owner’s observation. You can simply give them daily tasks to bring you something or you can take them to some nursing homes or hospitals which have programs that allow dogs to help cheer up sick patients. Your dog will feel thrilled helping someone particularly under your observation; it will unbelievably enhance your bond with him as well.

Taking care of a dog may seem an easy task, though not everybody succeeds in building up a relationship with their pet. It takes a lot of effort.

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