How to Brush My Dog’s Teeth

How to Brush My Dog’s Teeth

As a parent, you need to care about your dog’s dental hygiene, besides all other needs. Dogs also can suffer from dental issues and can develop a bad tooth. Therefore, parents are the ones who should start to brush the doggies’ teeth from a very young age. But how should you brush your dog’s teeth? You’ve come to the right place to find out more about it.

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

If you are doing this at home, it is ideal to brush your dog’s teeth once a day. However, to carry out a profound tooth cleansing, you’d better take your dog to a grooming shop at least once a year. In a professional grooming shop, they take complete care of your doggies’ dental health. It is especially recommended for adult dogs.

Necessary tools to brush a dog’s teeth

  • Toothbrush: a dog’s toothbrush must be soft, moisture, and specially designed for dogs. Adult human toothbrushes are not suitable for dogs. If you don’t have access to the dog’s toothbrushes, use a children’s toothbrush. Finger toothbrushes are also good.
  • Dog’s toothpaste: Never use human toothpaste for a dog. Also, avoid using baking soda and salt. If a dog swallows these, it would be dangerous for them.

How to Brush My Dog’s Teeth

Here is a step by step guide for brushing your doggies’ teeth.

Step one: your dog must like the taste of toothpaste you use. To see if they like it, put a bit of the toothpaste on the tip of your finger and let your dog taste it. If they liked it, good for you. If they don’t, then you need to change the toothpaste.

Step two: try to keep the mouth of your dog closed, and put your finger on their teeth. This is for your dog to get used to having something on their teeth and in their mouth. Don’t let the jaw open; otherwise, your dog might chew your finger.

Step three: now try the previous step with a toothbrush. Put the toothbrush on your dog’s teeth and let them feel it. Comfort your dog by calling their name and patting them.

Step four: Now move the toothbrush on your dog’s teeth in small circles, and gently. Your dog should like the feeling, and they now let you reach only the surface of the teeth. Slowly move to the back teeth and try to brush all the surface teeth.

Note: the back of the teeth is where your dog will not allow you to reach. So, as we said, go to a professional grooming shop and let them profoundly clean your pet’s teeth.

To wrap up

Your dog’s dental hygiene guarantees the overall health of your pet, as well as your family. Taking care of your doggy and brushing your dog’s teeth in the right way is something both you and the doggy need to learn and get used to. So be patient, give love, and brush your dog’s teeth.

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