How to clean dogs’ teeth naturally?

All people brush their teeth every day, but few care about cleaning their dogs’ teeth. Tooth brushing and dental hygiene are essential for all breeds, but some are more prone to tooth decay. Ignoring the teeth of these sensitive breeds can cause decay, fractures or even mouth cancer. If the disease progresses, it should be monitored using X-rays. But there are many ways to prevent and protect dental health and show how to clean dogs’ teeth efficiently, some of which are very important.

Give healthy and proper food to dogs to have Clean dogs’ teeth:

Bad food is the cause of all diseases. Dental health is no exception. Good food should include all the complete and useful ingredients to ensure your dog’s health. This good food should also take into account your dog’s healthy teeth. Fruits, meat and vegetables are the best food that doesn’t stick to the teeth. After each soft meal, reduce any problems with a hard, chewy snack. Don’t eat starchy foods such as flour, potatoes or rice; these materials stick to the teeth and cause decay. The best choices for cleaning dogs’ teeth are chewable foods that also help to freshen the breath.

Chewing teeth for having Clean dogs’ teeth:

These teeth can be the best alternative to a toothbrush. The crispy texture and tooth-friendly ingredients such as pumpkin seeds, coconut oil and sodium hexametaphosphate help the teeth to shine and whiten.

Regular teeth brushing to Clean dogs’ teeth:

If your dog’s teeth are free of decay, plaque and inflammation, or have hard gums, you can easily start brushing. Older dogs can continue to clean their teeth after brushing, cleaning, checking for decay and tooth extraction.

Bones to clean dogs’ teeth:

Bones are lovely to dogs. In addition to being a portion of good food, it can also help clean teeth. But be aware that some dogs are excited and may have their teeth damaged or be suffocated. These bones should be raw and fit the size of your dog. Avoid pork, chicken and fish bones.

Suitable toothbrush to clean dogs’ teeth:

Each breed has its own toothbrush. The choice of long, multidimensional or double-sided finger toothbrush depends on the type of dog, the size of its teeth and mouth. For example, larger dogs should use a double-sided, multi-dimensional toothbrush to brush their front and back teeth simultaneously. In this case, less time is spent. Smaller dogs with narrower mouths are also better off using long toothbrushes; these toothbrushes go easily into the mouth and have better performance.

 Suitable toothpaste:

Toothpaste has many flavours. Each dog may be interested in a particular one, such as mint. But most of them prefer a better taste. Ordinary toothpaste is not suitable for dogs; because they can’t spit and swallow this toothpaste type. The fluoride in this type of toothpaste is toxic to dogs. Choose the taste of toothpaste that your dog will enjoy; Make brushing a reward, not a punishment. For choosing a toothpaste, it is enough to give your dog some of it to get used to it for choosing a toothpaste.

Early teeth brushing:

Start accustoming dogs to brushing from the time they are born. If your dog is old, start brushing as soon as he moves into his new home. But this start and change should be gradual so as not to cause stress and anxiety. Familiarise the dog with toothpaste first. Put some of it on your finger and rub it on his teeth. Start brushing with a game to enjoy it. Brushing time should be short and gradually increased so that your dog gets used to this routine.

Grapefruit seed extract:

The grapefruit seed extract is a powerful antimicrobial substance and rubbing it on the teeth after brushing provides more protection against inflammation, decay and infection.

Create a regular schedule and routine:

Have a regular, regular brushing routine so you can both get used to this routine. For example, set your alarm for a specific time each day. You can do this after strenuous activities or daily walks so that your dog is tired and doesn’t have much resistance. Be aware of possible caries when brushing. You should brush your dog’s teeth at least once every two days; unless the decay created prevents her from brushing her teeth.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil contains acids that kill fungi and bacteria. Dogs also like its taste. You can rub a small amount of this oil on your toothbrush or finger, soak a bone in the oil or add coconut oil to their food.


Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and is an effective antibacterial. In addition to preventing tooth decay, cinnamon refreshes your dog’s breath. Just add half a teaspoon to their food every day. Cinnamon also slows down the spoilage of their food. Just be careful not to overeat; because too much of it can damage the liver. This substance is forbidden for pregnant dogs or those who have bleeding disorders.


Rewarding is the key to successful training, and it will make your dog enjoy the activity and repeat it eagerly. After C

cleaning dogs’ teeth, prove your gratitude, appreciation and love for your dog’s favourite food.

Use of anti-rot plaque water additive:

One way to fight plaque and tooth decay is to use a water additive. This substance makes prevention for young dogs and fights minor dental problems for older dogs.


Toys are a good tool for playing and distracting while cleaning dogs’ teeth. Many toys have unique grooves that keep their teeth clean.

There are other things to do to clean dogs’ teeth. For example, deer antler, like a dog’s favourite bone, or natural toothpaste, removes plaque and refreshes your dogs breathes. Note that dogs, like humans, suffer from gum disease. These furry friends can’t express their pain and sorrow. This factor can cause other serious problems. The simple and natural methods mentioned have an outstanding contribution to the oral health of your dog. But if you have severe pain or illness, see a veterinarian right away.

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