How to Have a Healthy Dog? (Part 1)

Everyone who owns a dog acknowledges that caring for a dog isn’t easy, and some even compare it to a baby. Depending on how much you care about your dog’s health, caring can be difficult or easy. If the dog’s owners want to experience a happy life with their dog, full of interaction and good feeling, they should spend daily time on their dog’s physical and mental health. So they will surely see the result of their work and having a healthy dog. 

If you get a dog with the mindset that taking care of a dog is enough to feed it, you will regret it after a few months. If you don’t, you will have to deal with a dog that is probably sick, abusive and causing you a lot of trouble. You can be one of the first people; stay tuned for the rest of the article to tell you how to properly maintain your beloved dog so that he always stays healthy and well.

Tip 1: Dog food is the most important factor in having a healthy dog

These are the foods that help your dog to grow and develop, to provide energy to his body and to be able to continue his life. The quality of the digestive system, blood circulation, urination, and other body organs depends on the food your dog receives. That’s why we believe dog food is the most important factor for having a healthy dog.

The quality is important

You may have seen dogs that survive by eating poor quality foods such as bones, chicken skeletons, legs or heads, extra meat and animal carcasses, and may even look fresh. But certainly, their quality of life decreases in the long run, and they suffer from many problems over time. So if you’re caring for a dog’s health and longevity (not just his survival), you should pay close attention to his nutrition. 

Choose the food correctly

The food we make at home can be useful and sufficient for our dog. But the condition is that the veterinarian depends on the characteristics of your dog such as weight, age, level of activity, breed, specific dog diseases and several other factors; specify ingredients of dog food and their value. The recipe written by the veterinarian is very balanced and can be even more beneficial to him than dry food because it’s calculated and formulated according to the specific nutritional needs of your dog; Because it’s composed of fresh and quality materials. 

What is the best diet for your dog?

The best diet for a dog is one that contains all the nutrients a dog needs. Therefore, if you want to use homemade food to feed your dog, your recipe must be written by a veterinarian and for that dog. This means your veterinarian should tell foods and the amount of them. Your dog’s food can also be commercial food. In other words, you can make it from a mixture of dry and wet or canned dog food. These foods are produced in different types according to the age, breed and sensitivities of your dog. These food’s ingredients are balanced according to your dog’s needs, and you can be sure that all the nutrients reach the body of your little friend enough. 

Is food brand important?

Of course, we emphasize that you should use only good brands of dog food. In addition, in caring for a dog during pregnancy, a newborn dog, a sick dog, etc., dog owners should consider a special diet. If you can’t afford dry or canned dog food, you can make homemade food for your dog. Boiled chicken meat without salt and oil and boiled carrots and potatoes are the best dog food model. Of course, the problem with making this type of food is that you don’t know from which food, how much it reaches the dog’s body and how much it needs.

Therefore, using a home diet for dogs, in the long run, can cause them some nutritional problems.  This is especially important when caring for a lactating, a neutered dog, or dog after surgery and may endanger the dog’s life. However, if you insist that your dog eat homemade food, or in the case of dogs that don’t eat anything other than homemade food, the use of supplements can partially compensate for its nutritional deficiencies and is recommended. But be sure to take supplements only according to the recipe on them—neither less nor more.

Tip 2: dog training is so important in determining the quality of life with dogs

Training a dog from the same age in a correct and principled way makes life with him enjoyable for us. This is very important when keeping a house dog; they live in our own environment and close contact. A dog that isn’t properly trained from birth will have behavioural problems and won’t learn to listen to his owner, he will do whatever he wants, and his behaviour can be annoying. Therefore, the pleasure of keeping a dog will diminish for you. It can even make you tired of keeping him and keep him in bondage, and that dog will lose his house!


Dog training is so important and detailed that a lot of research has been done on it, and the effective methods that are the result of this research help us by encouraging the dog in the right way, to teach him to be polite and obedient. It doesn’t matter if you bought the dog from a breeder or if you intend to keep a stray dog; you can train all dogs from all breeds and with a little patience. Of course, with knowing the correct method of training, you can have a calm, obedient and lovable dog.

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