How to keep dogs still during grooming?

How to keep dogs still during grooming?

Every dog needs grooming, brushing, and cleaning, such as bathing, haircut, teeth brushing, polishing, or trimming nails, for being healthy. But grooming dogs is not a cup of tea. They get stressed and anxious in an unfamiliar situation. If you take them regularly to the pet shop from childhood, they get used to it. But typically, first encountering is challenging. So, keeping them calm and motionless in a pet shop while grooming is challenging work. Here are some useful methods which help and facilitate your grooming. First, you have to know why grooming is better than brushing at home. 

  • First, find the best place that dogs feel comfortable. You can take your dog to the pet shop or ask a professional groomer to groom your dog at home. In this case, grooming becomes more accessible and more convenient for most people.
  • Based on your favourite grooming and your amount of money, choose a qualified groomer, and always do all your grooming with him. So your dogs are in your particular right style forever.
  • Grooming at home is risky and has its downsides, too. Using inappropriate tools can damage your dog and scared them. This frightening experience makes them stressed and agitated.

How to keep dogs still during grooming?

 To keeping your dog still and motionless, there are different ways to reduce their stress and anxiety level. Groomers have numerous tricks to help you. 

  1. Familiarise your dog with grooming equipment:

Before grooming, let your dog smell and play with tools, turn on clippers and show them entirely to your dogs; if they hear the sounds or look at those tools, they are accustomed to it better than before. Sometimes behave with them like a baby, it means, use the tools to play with your dog. So they will like grooming because they look at tools and grooming as a game. Be cautious to start grooming slowly. 

  1. Use a straight surface:

Keeping a naughty dog on a slip surface is so hard. Groomers have a lot of nonslip and fix table to prevent damages to dogs. Because of the dog’s movement, the slip surface may cut or injured them. 

  1. Calming methods:

There are different ways to make your dog calm and relaxed. Such as using pheromones, sedatives shampoo, or pouring some oil on a towel then put it near your dog’s face. Also, calm and relaxing music helps your dog to be motionless, mostly jazz or classic. Sometimes dark room or low-light rooms keep them still during grooming. In a problematic situation, vets give some sedative medicine, but using them without a vet’s prescription is illegal, unethical and dangerous for dog’s health. 

  1. Grooming limitation:

Grooming noose is an effective way to control dogs. A noose is a rope that is attached to an upside-down “L” shape metal and goes around the dog’s body and neck. It can help you to control dogs’ movements. So your dog is still and controlled on the table. 

  1. Start grooming after their playing:

After playing or other long activities, they are tired and can’t move a lot. Take them for a walk or play and do exercise for them at least for an hour to make them tired to be still while grooming. 

  1. Choose a cautious groomer:

Choose a careful groomer that behaves gently with your dog. The bossy or forceful reaction has the opposite result. If your dog is so active and naughty, you can handle them just with patience, kindness and rewards. Our groomers speak calmly, and they conciliate your anxious dog. 

  1. Rest for a while:

Dogs hate continuous grooming and become tired and stressed very soon. Sometimes, in this case, they may bother you. Complete grooming lasts for a day, as groomer takes a break after every 30 minutes. Because of this short session, dogs get used to grooming and allow you to go on your work. 

  1. Using muzzle for aggressive dogs:

Injured, angry, aggressive, scary and those who try to bite, should be muzzled to protect themselves and groomer. When they learn and get familiar with grooming methods, you can stop using a muzzle. Some dogs are Unfamiliar with grooming, so they scared and wants to protect themselves with biting and snapping. It’s normal, especially for young dogs. 

  1. Stop long and tiring grooming: 

Maybe your dog needs lots of grooming. Because of slow grooming that we said, it will take a long time and tire your dog. Thus if your dog is sleepy or exhausted, don’t make a bad experience for them and leave other cleanings for the next few days, your dog mental health is so important, too. Never make a stressful and scary story out of grooming for them.

  1. Reward their calmness:

Always reward them for their excellent behaviour to encourage them to be good. When your dog is quiet and calm for grooming, give them a good reward. Some people put peanut butter on the bath wall and let their dog lick it. This treating is an excellent way to distract them in bath time and grooming.  

  1. CBC oil:

CBC oil is a treat or oil, which reduces dogs stress and anxiety. Suppose your dog is stressful while grooming, tries this excellent oil for your dog. When they have stress, their body temperature rises rapidly. So they are unable to breathe correctly and become overheated. Some dogs will be dying from this high stress. 

Touch your dog and show your affection and attention. Show dogs that they aren’t alone, and you support them. Dogs should feel at ease. To assure them by offering some treat that nothing terrible is going to happen. Dogs like walking, thus instead of driving a car or other vehicle, walk with them to the pet shop. You make them happy, tired and ready for grooming. High stress, as well as long hair and dirtiness, is dangerous. Filth and long hair make dogs unhealthy; high pressure makes mental problems and death, too. So do grooming in short intervals and various days or use CBC to make your dog healthy and safe.

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