How to keep your dog’s coat clean and healthy

How to keep your dog’s coat clean and healthy

Keeping your dog looking the best is one of the crucial tasks of a dog owner. Dog grooming is an essential principle to have a good looking dog. Therefore, if you want to have a shiny and happy dog, you must care about your puppy’s coat and take them to a professional groomer. Also, here we have provided some tips that can help you to keep your dog’s coat clean and shiny.

  1. Choose a professional groomer

Taking dogs to a groomer regularly is essential and can help your dog look its best. This also allows you to have a happy and healthy dog. Groomers provide services such as full grooming, bathing, nail trim, teeth and ear cleaning. Do not forget to choose a professional dog groomer. A professional groomer can also help your dog’s skin can breathe and removes grease in their coat.

  1. Bath your dog regularly

Although groomer can provide all services you need, you have to bath your dog between grooming sessions. It also does not mean that you must wash your dog every single day. Do not forget that washing dogs too much can damage their skin and coat and remove the natural oil from the skin. Depending on dogs and the frequency they go out of home, they need to be bathed.

  1. Do not forget to brush your dog

  • Brushing is essential and can help to spread the natural oils all over the coat of your dog.
  • Brushing dogs can avoid the accumulation of grease in their coat.
  • Brushing regularly prevents mats in your dog’s hair.
  • It can help to reduce shedding.

How to brush your dog?

Brushing dogs is not a big concern, and you do not have to worry about it. But it is essential for keeping your dog’s coat and fur clean and healthy. Here, we have provided some easy steps and basis that can help you to brush your dog correctly.

  • Detect the direction of your dog’s fur and brush accordingly. Brushing in the reverse order can make your dog feel bad and uncomfortable. It may also be painful.
  • Brush your dog’s hair with short, gentle movements. In this way, the underlying hair knots are also untied.
  • Brush gently the areas where the skin is thinner, such as the face and abdomen.
  • Do not brush a part of your dog’s body too much. This may irritate the skin.
  • Do not forget the tangled areas such as the armpits, rump, tail and behind the ears.
  • If you hit a tangle, do not pull it. This can be painful for your dog. Try emollient to make it easier. If you cannot handle it, take your dog to a professional groomer.
  1. Give your dog proper and quality food

Providing quality food for dogs is not only important for their health but also essential for their coat. If you want to have a healthy dog with a shiny and fresh coat and fur, do not forget the nutritious diet. The balance of nutrients cannot happen by accident, and you must have a proper plan for it. Dogs must take a combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water every day. A shiny coat and hair show that your dog are healthy. The proper balance of omega-6 and omega-3 is essential to help your dog have a healthy coat and skin.

  1. Add coconut oil to your dog’s diet

  • The anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil are essential for dogs. All of this is due to the lauric acid in coconut oil.
  • Some veterinarians believe that the medium-chain triglyceride in coconut oil helps digest food and can help improve digestive disorders as well as improve brain energy and mental function in older dogs.
  • Reduces cough and helps to eliminate hair mats.
  • Applying coconut oil on dogs’ skin helps to cure skin diseases such as spots, bites, stings, or itching and dry skin. Shampoos containing coconut oil are great for dogs.
  • Rubbing coconut oil topically also protects the skin of dogs from dryness.
  • Coconut oil makes dogs coat shiny.
  • Coconut oil eliminates foul doggy odour.
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