Bad breath in dogs! What to do?

Bad breath is a common problem in humans and animals. It is difficult for dog owners to tolerate this foul smell. There are many reasons for this problem, the most important of which is the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. Usually, this bad breath in dogs can be stopped and improved with home remedies. If your dog’s breath has been smelly for a long time and you notice other symptoms such as loss of appetite, drinking too much water, vomiting, and disease progression in your dog, you have to see a veterinarian. Annual dental examinations, daily teeth brushing for 30 seconds, preparation of suitable toys, chewing and eating some dry food every day can prevent caries and bad breath. If your dog doesn’t like brushing, you can use a professional groomer to facilitate this process.

Home remedies for bad breath in dogs

Carrots for stopping bad breath in dogs

After a while, the dog’s teeth decay. Regular brushing or seeing a dentist can help solve this problem, but not every dog ​​can tolerate toothache. Chewing a good, large carrot is a natural and healthy alternative to brushing. Carrots accumulate plaque that causes bad breath bacteria. In addition to cleaning teeth and removing foul odours, carrots are also a healthy snack.

Brush your teeth regularly for stopping bad breath in dogs

 Bad breath is a sign of an unhealthy mouth. Unhealthy teeth and gums can lead to serious health problems. So brush your dog’s teeth at least once a week. Some breeds need to brush their teeth every day. Encourage dogs to brush by giving food. An essential factor of brushing is giving dog toothpaste.

Parsley for stopping bad breath in dogs

Parsley is rich in antioxidants that protect against free radical damage and relieve swelling and pain caused by osteoarthritis, inflammatory conditions, stomach upset and digestive problems. This plant is also used as a breath freshener. All you have to do is add a small amount to the food, mix it with water, and give it to your dog.

Coconut oil for stopping bad breath in dogs

This oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties that reduce the bacteria in the dog’s mouth. Accumulation of bacteria causes problems such as periodontal and kidney disease, both of which cause the dog to have bad breath. By adding a few tablespoons of oil to your dog’s food, you can kill bacteria and give your dog a delicious and mouth-watering odour. This oil is also a natural toothpaste for brushing your dog’s teeth.

Chlorophyll and wheat

Fresh wheat vegetables are a raw source of chlorophyll and are an excellent remedy for bad breath.


As mentioned, bacteria in a dog’s mouth can cause bad breath and other health problems. The high acidity in citrus kills this bacterium and also, like a natural fragrance, refreshes your dog’s mouth. Just add a few drops of lemon juice to your dog’s bowl of water.


Neem is a tree extract and has a significant impact on dogs and humans health. Neem protects the dogs’ skin, coat, mouth and teeth. Add a small black capsule to their food twice a week.


Cinnamon is another common household remedy that refreshes the dog’s breath.

Mint and apples

If the cause of bad breath is indigestion or intestinal bacteria, mint may be an effective way to treat this problem. This plant soothes healthy digestion and gastritis and prevents stomach acid from reaching the mouth and causing bad breath. Peppermint and other herbs contain a green pigment called chlorophyll, which has natural healing properties and promotes good digestion. Every morning and night, just add tiny fresh mint leaves to your dog’s food and enjoy your dog’s fresh and fragrant breath!

Apple vinegar

Adding just one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a dog’s bowl is another way to breathe and smell good. Apple cider vinegar is high in malic and acetic acid, which helps kill harmful breath bacteria. Vinegar also contains a rich combination of minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, all of which contribute to the dog’s mouth’s overall health. Many dogs also love the taste of apple cider vinegar.


Bacteria in a dog’s mouth excrete hydrogen sulfide, a sulfur compound. Yoghurt acts as an antidote to this type of bacteria, and if consumed twice a day, it reduces hydrogen sulfide. Pour some yoghurt in your dog’s food morning and night to fight the unpleasant odour caused by bacteria. In addition to its high properties, yoghurt is rich in calcium, which is very useful for strong teeth and a healthy mouth!


In addition to the harmful bacteria that cause bad breath, there should be beneficial and natural bacteria in your dog’s mouth. Probiotics are living microorganisms that promote the health and elimination of bad breath in dogs.

Chewing toys

There are also unique toys that contain toothpaste or cleaning agents and keep the teeth clean and healthy.

Get the help of a good groomer to clean your dog’s teeth thoroughly. You can also prevent possible disease or problems with your dog’s teeth with an annual visit to the vet. No one likes their dog’s mouth to smell bad when their dog is petted and hugged. With these home remedies, you can say goodbye to bad breath in dogs forever.

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