Important Tips for Beautifying Dog Fur

The coat is one of the most important and basic physical characteristics of a dog. Therefore, many dog ​​owners are concerned about the beauty of their little friends. No one likes to see their dog shedding. But this problem is widespread. Many people take their dogs to the vet for their shedding; Because they don’t know how to take care of it and cause shedding and loss of beauty in their dog. But don’t forget that abnormal or too much shedding can be a sign of a disease. In this article, we’re going to give you tips on beautifying and caring for dog fur. 

Tips on the health of your dog fur

Keeping a healthy dog coat isn’t a difficult task. Of course, you should ensure that the cause of their shedding isn’t a disease. Abnormal shedding can lead to other problems. to prevent it, follow these tips:

Eliminate parasites from dog fur

Check your dog regularly for parasites to prevent excessive scratching or abnormalities in your dog. So it is better to deworm your dog regularly. Consult your veterinarian to find out how often and what type of dewormer you should give your dog.

Professional grooming

Dogs need to spend more time with you. This pastime can be playing or even taking a bath. But sometimes, for complete cleanliness and better health, let your dog enjoy professional grooming. Growers know techniques that can stop your dog shedding. 


Your dog food should always be of good quality. A good diet isn’t about quantity but quality. Buy foods with the necessary nutrients and vitamins that will make your dog’s skin healthy and beautiful. If you cook homemade food for your dog, consult a veterinarian to get all the nutrients and vitamins he needs. Don’t forget that some foods endanger your dog’s health.

Bathing twice a month

The amount of bathing dogs depends on their breed. But it would help if you didn’t usually bathe them more than twice a month. Regular bathing removes the beneficial fats from his skin. Most dogs with normal skin only need to bathe once a month. On the other hand, poor dog bathing causes the dog’s dead hair to remain on the skin. Resulting in dandruff and excessive fat production, which creates a combination of dryness and fat on dog skin. Excessive bathing causes the skin to lose natural oil, dryness, irritation or fungus, resulting in infection. It’s better to bathe dogs once or twice a month.

Brushing dog fur

One of the best ways to stimulate dog skin follicles to release moisturizing oils is through regular brushing. Brushing also removes dead hair and old skin cells that may clog pores. It would help if you brushed dogs with long or thick hair regularly to prevent hair tangles, dryness, itching, and having shiny skin. You should also brush short-haired dogs regularly, especially if they have dry skin.


You should trim long-haired dog fur regularly. Veterinarians recommend trimming your pet’s fur at least twice a year because it keeps the skin healthy and beautiful. 

Vitamins and minerals

Dietary supplements are the best way to improve the health and vitality of your dog’s skin. Fish oil supplements contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that help keep dog skin soft, reduce skin scaling and keep the skin’s natural moisture. You don’t need to give your dog pills. Just talk to your veterinarian to help you choose a mineral-rich diet to keep your dog healthy and shiny.

Keep their living space and bed clean.

Wash your dog’s bed to get rid of parasites and mites. Be careful not to use blankets or sheets with artificial components as these can cause dogs allergies.

Don’t walk outside without a leash. 

Always attach a leash to your dog. When they walk alone, they may enter pits or swamps where bacteria and other microorganisms can cause skin infections and damage their fur.

Daily hygiene in dogs is essential. It not only makes the dog’s hair shiny but also helps to detect and identify skin lesions, parasites and scaling. To keep the dog in good condition, it’s necessary to keep the outer covering and the animal’s coat clean and shiny. These things will also strengthen your dog’s fur, and you will have a more beautiful dog. With MishkaGrooming, don’t worry about the cleanliness of your beautiful dogs. Our professional groomers will make them healthy and beautiful with the best tools and facilities. 



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