Infectious and Transmissible Disease From Dogs to Humans (Part 1)

When you decide to have a pet like a dog, cat or any other animal, it’s good to know that some animals can transmit the disease to humans. Of course, it’s possible to prevent the illness of you and your family to a large extent by timely vaccination and to follow some hygienic principles related to the animal. In this article, we discuss some important infectious diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

Transmission of the diseases from dogs

Although dogs can be beneficial to the health and well-being of their owners, people should be aware that dogs of any age, including puppies, can sometimes have harmful germs that can make people sick. Germs from dogs can cause a variety of illnesses, from minor skin infections to severe diseases. One of the best ways to prevent dog-to-human transmission is to wash your hands thoroughly after handling: timely dog care, feeding or regular grooming.

Some dangerous diseases transmitted from dog to human

The most common conditions that can be transmitted from dogs to humans are the following:

Hookworms diseases

Hookworms live in the dog’s intestinal tract and are a significant cause of bleeding and death in puppies. You can find the eggs of this worm in animal feces, and dogs can absorb them through the skin. So try not to walk barefoot outdoors.

Symptoms in pets

Diarrhea, weight loss.

Symptoms in humans

None of the above can often occur in humans, but it can cause coughing, wheezing, stomach pain, anemia, or loss of appetite.


Prescription of antiparasitic drugs for pets and infected humans.


Collect dog feces from the yard and dispose of them in a completely hygienic way. With this method, there’s no possibility of reproduction of these worms. 

Giardia infection diseases

Dogs are more likely to get Giardia than cats because the causative agent of Giardia lives in rivers and lakes.

Symptoms in pets and humans 



Antiparasitic drugs are prescribed by a doctor for humans and taking the infected animal to a veterinarian for treatment.


To prevent your pets from getting the disease, especially dogs, take their drinking water with you when you go to the park or forest. Try to wash your hands well with soap and water immediately after contacting the pet. Avoid entering areas where parasites may be present.


Campylobacter is the most common diarrheal disease, spreading through kittens, puppies, horses, rabbits, and young birds. The bacterium selects its host from among the animals and may then be transmitted to humans through these animals.

Symptoms in pets and humans 



Drinking a lot of water by humans causes this bacterium to be excreted in the urine. If the disease doesn’t reach the acute stage, man can get rid of it. But for animals, you should see a veterinarian so that the veterinarian can determine if your furry animal needs medical treatment. 


If your puppy or kitten has diarrhea, don’t hug him at all. Don’t forget to wash your hands properly even after your pet has recovered. If left untreated, the disease can spread to many humans and animals. 


Salmonella bacteria cause salmonellosis, which is spread mainly through contaminated foods. Salmonella can also be transmitted from animals, including dogs. This bacteria lives in the intestines of humans and animals. They can become infected by eating contaminated food, drinking contaminated water, contacting with infected animals. Salmonella can also contaminate pet food. Everyone is at risk, but children under 5, adults 65 and older, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk.


Sarcoptic is a parasitic skin disease caused by ticks. Ticks are spread through close contact between animals. Dogs can become infected through close contact with infected animals or with infected litter or other substances. Dogs don’t spread sarcoptic, but ticks can be transmitted from dogs to humans; these mites can’t reproduce in humans and die within a few days. Ticks in dogs cause severe itching, hair loss and itchy sores, especially on the ears, face and legs.

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