Infectious and Transmissible Disease From Dogs to Humans (Part 2)

In the first part, we explained infectious diseases that can be transmitted from dogs to humans. We said that some of these problems are common between dogs and humans and can be transmitted to humans. These diseases include hookworms diseases, giardia infection diseases, campylobacter, salmonellosis and sarcoptic. We also explained the symptoms of treatment and prevention of each separately. In this section, we will discuss the rest of these diseases.

Some dangerous diseases transmitted from dog to human

Brucellosis diseases

Brucellosis is bacterial.One of the most common ways of transmitting the disease from animal to human is to consume the raw milk of infected animals. People can also get brucellosis by contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products (such as placenta and fecal fluids) and the transmission of bacteria through skin wounds.

Most dogs infected with brucellosis don’t show symptoms. However, brucellosis in dogs can lead to infertility, miscarriage and reproductive organ infections. In some dogs, brucellosis can cause infections of the spinal cord and discs called spondylitis or inflammation of the eyes or brain.


Rabies is a deadly neurological disease caused by a virus spread primarily through the bites of infected animals. Dog owners should vaccinate their dogs against rabies. Rabies is caused by contact with saliva or nervous system tissue from an infected animal, usually through a scratch or bite.

Dogs with rabies can have a variety of symptoms. They may experience sudden behavioural changes and progressive paralysis. They may also show signs of restlessness, cramping, voice changes, or poor appetite. They may attack animals, people, and other objects. Animals with rabies usually die within a few days of the onset of symptoms. Rabies is very deadly and should be given priority if prevention is observed.

Symptoms in pets

Symptoms vary but can include behavioural changes, fever, sensitivity to touch, light and sound, hiding in dark places, foaming at the mouth, distance from a person, loss of appetite, seizures, and even sudden death.

Symptoms in humans

Symptoms include illness, general weakness, headache, discomfort, excessive itching at the site of the bite, anxiety, confusion, irritation, hallucinations.


If you think your pet is anxious, see a specialist veterinarian. Veterinarians may offer different treatments depending on the patient’s progress in your pet, or they may order the extermination of the sick animal. If a dog bites a human, he or she should see a doctor as soon as possible for treatment. Note that in any case, if animals, especially dogs, bite you, be sure to see a doctor.


Capnocytophaga is a bacterium that usually lives in the mouths of dogs and cats. These bacteria don’t cause disease in dogs or cats, but they can rarely be found in humans. Capnocytophaga may be transmitted to humans through bites, scratches, or close contact with infected dogs or cats. People with weakened immune systems are at greater risk of becoming infected with the bacterium. Individuals may develop symptoms within 1-14 days after infection.

Symptoms in humans

  • Fever
  • Blisters
  • Inflation
  • Redness
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Pain around the bite area
  • Rarely, serious complications such as sepsis (blood infection), gangrene, or kidney failure may occur.


Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic disease that is spread through food, water or fecally contaminated environments. It’s difficult to predict the risk of crypto from animals, as many animals may be carriers of the parasite without any symptoms. Everyone is at risk for the disease, but having a weak and suppressed immune system is a risk factor. If dogs are affected by the parasite, they usually have watery diarrhea. Still, the symptoms of this disease in humans and watery diarrhea include abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea. Symptoms typically resolve within 1-2 weeks.

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium commonly found in the skin of humans and animals and can cause various problems, including skin infections, pneumonia (lung infection) and other issues. The disease is spread through direct contact (touch) between humans and animals. Some dogs may be carriers of the disease. Everyone is at risk for Staphylococcus aureus. Dogs often don’t show signs of Staphylococcus aureus infection but can develop skin, respiratory, and urinary tract infections if they do.

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