How to Keep My Dog Healthy

How to Keep My Dog Healthy

As family members, healthy dogs bring comfort and joy to your home. Pet parents are aware that any health condition of a dog can lead to more complicated health issues for the rest of the family.

One of the ways you can ensure your dog stays healthy is to do full grooming on a regular time basis. Grooming your dog helps them stay away from infections accumulated in skin, hair, ears and pays. If you are not able to provide full grooming to your dog by yourself, you can get help from a dog groomer nearby who can professionally provide a full grooming service for your beloved dog.

Besides grooming, there is

a checklist to help you keep your dog healthy.

Dogs’ Hygiene Checklist

  • Dental Health

A dog’s breath naturally has no bad smell. If you can hear a rotten smell from your dog’s breath, then the chances are your dog has a kind of guts disease; this can also mean a bad tooth.

The mouth is the main entrance of the body, and if your dog’s mouth holds infections and disease, they won’t stay healthy for long. Then make sure to visit a dog’s dentist or a vet to check the mouth health of your dog.

Moreover, you can make an appointment with a dog’s dental service provider once a month. They do a thorough dental and mouth cleansing service for your dog.

  • Ears Grooming

Yes, also ears breath! Hair around ears gathers dirt and bacteria and may lead infection into the ears of your dog. So, make sure to cut the hair and let the ear breath!

However, cutting the hair around the ear may give you the stress of cutting the ear itself. While some dog parents prefer to do it themselves, many others prefer to let a professional groomer groom the ears of their beloved dogs.

The hair around dog ears gets particularly long in some breeds. In Some breeds, the ear hair grows faster, while in other breeds the hair never grows.

  • Nails and Paws Hygiene

Dogs grow long nails much faster than humans do. Nails in wild dogs are a kind of tool, naturally used in battles. But when in a city, they no longer need the long sharp nails.

Plus, with long nails, they might hurt their humans and other pet friends. Infections are also more likely to accumulate under long nails. So, consider cutting them short, often.

Paws are another place for gathering dirt and bacteria since they are always touching the ground. Cutting short the hair that grows on and under paws helps to reduce the level of infection gathering there.

  • Bath

Don’t forget to bathe your dog every month. Never use human shampoos for a dog, because human shampoos contain chemicals that dogs are allergic to.

Bathing a dog for the first time can be scary for most parents, so it is very wise to get help from a dog groomer. But is you want to experience it yourself, get ready by providing tub, a dogs shampoo, toys, a towel and hairdryer.

Over to you

This list can be very long and contain many details, but the hygiene factors we just mentioned are the four most important things you can do to keep your dog healthy. Remember that happy humans own healthy dogs.

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