Let Your Dog Enjoy Bath Time

If your dog hates the bath time, you are a troubled parent. Maybe it is difficult for you to imagine that you can do things to let your dog enjoy bath time. Bath time can even deepen the relationship between you two if handled with tact. The solution is to have a strategy for the whole process.

In most cases, dogs hate bathtime or get stressed in the bath, because their first bathing session was not held properly and the parent has made some mistakes bathing the dog. It is always wiser to let a dog groomer go through all the process with your dog to make them love water and soap.

However, if you have no access to a dog groomer in your location, here are tips for you before taking your dog to the bath.

How to let your dog enjoy bath time

Let your dog have his best time in the bath by following these tips.

Exhaust your dog before taking a bath

Take a good long walk with your dog. Dogs love playing water after a sweat breaking exercise. So you can use this trick to make them enjoy their time in the bath. In many cases, your dog will find his way to the bathroom, without you even asking them.

Exhausting your dog also helps in reducing their resistance power in the bath, as they have already spent their energy out, walking.

Don’t be in a rush

If your time is limited for taking your dog to the bath, then it will be challenging to have the situation and your stress under control. Let things stay where they are and don’t push yourself and your dog in limited times. Instead, find a reasonable hour, when you are free and have plenty of time to spend with your dog in the bath.

This way, bath time for your dog will be joyful and pleasant.

Keep your dog busy

If bath time is a boring routine for your dog, then don’t expect it to be joyful and easy for you. If dogs get bored, they will develop destructive behaviours, and it is the most unpleasant if the behaviours happen in the bath.

To avoid this, take his favourite toy with him to the bath and let him play and get busy with the toy.

Get help from another dog in the bath

Another way to help your dog enjoy bath time is to take your dogs to the bath at the same time if you have multiple dogs and a big bathroom.

It will help you control them even better. Because dogs look up to you and when you encourage and reward a good behaviour of one of your dogs, other dogs try to be as good as the rewarded dog, to win your attention. So much like little kids, aren’t they?

Look out for water temperature

Suitable water temperature for you can be shocking and discouraging for a dog. Dogs can be easily discouraged and even terrified if the water is too hot for the,

So always keep the temperature in the middle and even a little cold for the dog.

But remember to dry your dog right after the bath with a hairdryer to avoid catching a cold.

Start slowly

Let your dog listen to the sound of water at first. Add some water to the bathtub and then wet the paws little by little.

Don’t rush and let your dog rest in between each step. Avoid pouring a lot of water onto his head at once.

It doesn’t matter to wash your dog properly in the first session. Your first session goal should be getting your dog love bath time.

Does your dog resist, despite all your efforts? Get help from a professional dog groomer.

Sometimes the best way isn’t always the first. Most of the pet parents experience difficulty bathing their dog for the first time. If the first session of the bathing doesn’t happen properly and you push your dog too far, the chances are your dog will hate bath time, forever and ever.

So the best option for starters is to get help from a groomer nearby. They will introduce your dog to the pleasant world of water and soap.

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