Make Your Dog Enjoy Bathing

Bathing is an essential part of keeping a healthy dog and should be done regularly. Dogs should enjoy these moments to be excited for the next time. If your dog hates bathing, you should change this position and make bathing a time to enjoy and be intimate with you! It’s entirely possible! All you have to do is change your strategy. Here are some tips to help your dog enjoy bath time.

Different strategy for bathing a dog

Take a long walk with him.

Dogs usually like to be in the water naturally when their body is warm and after physical activity. Then use this instinct to your advantage. At that moment, your dog is tired and will have less energy to resist.

Don’t hurry 

If you don’t have enough time for bathing, postpone it to later when you’re calm and able to focus on your dog.

Create a positive outlook

If your dog resists bathing, your body language and energy can communicate with your dog and tell him what will happen to him! You will be surprised if you know the effect of using gentle methods with other methods.

Make the bathroom attractive.

It’s difficult to be optimistic about bathing when you aren’t likely to make any changes. One way to change your attitude is to make dog bathing fun. You can do this for dogs that love toys. Put their toys in the tub and communicate with them, and play.

Get help from another dog.

The best teacher is another dog. If your dog is social, he will enjoy bathing with another puppy. This method will help your dog relax and enjoy bathing. Make sure the dogs are together when washing.

Make sure the water temperature is right.

A temperature that is right for you may not be suitable for your dog. Too hot water may shock the dog, so warm the water. So use lukewarm water so that its temperature won’t be problematic.

Start from an early age. 

Some dog owners mistakenly think that when their puppy stands in a corner and trembles for fear, he can gradually dedicate himself well to bathing. But if your puppy doesn’t look calm, then you will have a problem in the future. So help your puppy enjoy it. Let your puppy check the bathtub when it’s empty to reduce his fear.

Take food to the bathroom.

Another way to help your dog communicate positively with the bathroom is to feed him there. Your dog may be resistant at first. But over time, he calms down and enjoys his food.

Start bathing slowly

First, you need to make your dog feel comfortable with the sound of water. Then pour the water into the tub. Let only your dog’s paws get wet and then wet his whole leg. Go slowly and let your dog go through each step on his own. Use this method instead of quickly pouring a bucket of water or spraying water on him. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t completed the bathing process the first time. The goal is to make your dog comfortable with bathing.

Bathing is an essential part of keeping dogs healthy and shouldn’t be ignored. If your dog still hates bathing, seek professional help. You can count on our professional groomers to get your dog used to bathe. Mishkagrooming’s specialized team accompanies you in all stages of your dog’s health and grooming. We ensure your puppy’s health and cleanliness. Our groomers’ accuracy, motivation, knowledge, and great interest make the dogs interested in grooming and enjoy it.


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