Symptom that your dog needs a groomer or vet

Dogs are our best friends and can be a member of our family. They eat, play, walk and do all routine work with us; but they can’t talk about their problems. Like a baby, if they are sick, they need your attention. It would help if you took care of them. Knowing which medicine is suitable for your dog is not your job. It requires a professional and wise person. If your dog has some problems, you should take them to the knowledgeable groomer or an experienced vet. Some signs and symptoms are easy to recognise, and some of them are a groomer’s or a vet’s job.

When your dog needs a groomer or a vet?

  1. Strange eating habits

It’s normal in the summer and sunny days; your dog misses and ignores some meals. But more than two meals is an ample warning that something serious is happening; because some illnesses result in anorexia and food disorders. Sometimes your dog is strangely disobedient and bothers you a lot. It shows your dog needs a vet’s visit.

  1. Strong desire for water

Pay attention to the amount of water that your dog is drinking. Drinking a lot of water can be a sign of diabetes or kidney problem. Filing your dog’s bowl a lot, or having a lot of urine, are symptoms of drinking too much water. Please take them to the vet immediately.

  1. Dry and hard coat

Dogs should have a shiny and soft coat. A bald, dry and hard coat shows something is not working well. Maybe it happens because of skin illness or an allergy. Whatever it is, you should see a vet for the right solution. If they have a discolour coat, your dog should see a good dog groomer.

  1. Tiredness

Sometimes dogs don’t have energy and are drowsy. So they do not play, walk or do other activities. Tiredness and feeling pain in the body are symptoms of fever or high temperature of the body. Visit an excellent vet to help you.

  1. Vomit

If dogs don’t like something, maybe they vomit. So it’s a normal thing for them. But if your dog vomits a lot and continuously see a vet quickly. Vomiting a lot can cause other serious illnesses such as diarrhoea and dehydration.

  1. Strange faeces

Dog’s faeces show the statue of their health. Solid, damp and small wastes show your dog’s good health, but tough and dry faeces show a disease such as dehydration or food problems. If there are worms, blood or other odd substances in your dog’s faeces or if it has diarrhoea for one day, take it to the vet immediately.

  1. Unexpected weight lose

Even if you have a fat dog, unexpected weight loss should worry you because it can be symptoms of serious health problems. Losing weight depends on your dog’s body. Thin dogs lose smaller weights.

  1. Red eyes

If their eyes are red, or if they have eyes that look in different directions or are tearing without any reason, they are signs of eye infections. Eyes are so sensitive, and illnesses related to eyes may cause blindness. Take them to the vet quickly.

  1. Slipping or pulling back forcefully

Suppose your dog can’t move steadily and it’s dragging and slipping. In that case, it might be a worm, anal gland infection or block, urinary infection or diarrhoea. In any of these situations visit a professional vet very fast.

  1. Emergency signs

take them to the vet immediately in these cases:

  • Not breathing well
  • unconsciousness
  • vomit blood or continuous vomiting
  • seizure
  • having broken bones
  • eye/ nose/ mouth bleeding
  • poisoning
  • severe pain
  • swollen stomach
  • sudden trembling
  1. Long hair

Some dogs have long hair that covers their face and eyes. It can annoy their eyes and sights or be harmful to the cornea. Long hair may cause lice, mats and other important problems, too. So they should be cut, trimmed and cleaned regularly to make them feel comfortable. Visit an expert dog groomer to help you. If your dog has long hair on his coat, ask the groomer to brush them, too. If they have severe mats, they should be shaved.

  1. Big, long and floppy ears

Some dog’s breeds have big and floppy ears that cover and block their ears and make them humid and warm. This moist and warm place is right of severe diseases such as irritating ear infections that are hard to cure. So please take your dog to a pet shop where a good dog groomer can check your dog’s ears. They might use a cleaning solution or remove the ear’s hair to make air circulation and prevent enclosed places which leads to problems. So if your dog’s ears are smelly, dirty or have an extreme scratching, visit a groomer quickly.

  1. Dental problems

Dental problems are painful for everybody. It’s hard to tolerate for dogs, either. So check your dog’s teeth frequently. Dogs have a special toothbrush and toothpaste for brushing their teeth. If your dog hates brushing teeth, take them to the dog groomer to check problems. Dental infection is so dangerous because it can spread to other parts of the body.

  1. Bathing time

Bathing times depend widely on your dog’s breed, lifestyle, and coat. While bathing, you must notice, knot, long hair, dirtiness, tumour and fleas. If you take your dog out a lot to the pool, park, river, etc., they should also be washed after coming home. Your dog groomer can give you suitable shampoo and other medicine for your dog.

  1. If they have long hair

Trimming nails is so tough to work. Most dogs don’t like you touching their feet, or they are scared of trimming. Walking on overgrown nails may cause severe arthritis or toes splay. So, visit a groomer for preventing further disease or painful nail breaking.

Taking care of dogs is challenging but exciting work that those who love them can cope with. Dogs need lots of attention, like humans. They need food, entertainment and other daily work and can be sick, too. For a complete check-up, take them to the pet shop where a groomer visits them thoroughly. Please don’t do them alone at home. Using scissors and other keen equipment may scare them or put some scratches on their skin. Leave them to a professional vet or groomer to have an energetic and healthy dog.


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