The Best Dog Clippers (Part 2)

In the previous part, we talked about a variety of dog nail clippers. The nail clipper is an essential tool to clean your dog and keep him healthy. Nail clippers have different types. Each type varies depending on its use and application. Guillotine nail clipper fit for small and medium dogs. Pliers nail clipper is suitable for medium and large dogs that have thick nails. The scissors nail clipper is also suitable for tiny dogs. Rotating nail clippers can also replace traditional methods. But your dog should get used to it. This section will talk about nail files, astringent powder, and nail clippers’ differences with nail files.

Nail file

Metal file smoothes the nail edges and prevents cracking or sticking to carpets, rugs and other tools. The electric nail file also has a small piece similar to sanding. Instead of cutting and trimming the nails like a nail clipper, it shortens them by scraping and sanding them. Trimming a dog’s nails with an electric nail file makes the edges of the nails very smooth and tidy. This electric nail file is a great option for: 

  • large breed dogs with thick nails and shortening them with a nail clipper needs a lot of pressure.
  • Dogs that hate clippers.

But the electric nail file has a relatively loud vibrating sound that is scary for some dogs. Therefore, to use it, you must get used to the vibrating sound of the electric nail file. The process of trimming nails with an electric nail file also takes more time. So your dog needs to be patient and calm. Scraping dog nails causes dust and nail powder to spill on the floor and produce a distinctive odour; thus, it’s better to do this outdoors. Electric nail files are more expensive than dog clippers, and you need a battery or electricity to use them.

Astringent powder

Sometimes a lot of nail shortening causes bleeding, in which case the astringent powder can quickly stop bleeding. The use of this powder is effortless. If you don’t have astringent powder, try to put a little cornstarch or flour on the bleeding site. Also, cotton, napkins and paper towels will be useful for nail cleanup.

Is a dog clipper better or an electric nail file?

The choice between these two depends on the dog’s breed. For small dogs like Pumhanin, Shiva, Shinzo dog, etc., often guillotine or scissors clippers are better; Because they are suitable for small dogs. But the older dogs have thicker nails, and even the plier nail isn’t enough for him. Therefore, the electric nail file is usually used for large breed dogs such as German Shepard, Rotylmer, Doberman Pincrover, etc.

The price is also another important and effective issue. In general, the electric nail file is more expensive than the dog clippers; While some nail clippers such as pliers and guillotine are very cheap and economical.

Of course, in addition to the above, your dog’s character and mood are also important in choosing a nail clipper. Some dogs are afraid of the electric nail file’s sound, and others are scared of the device’s vibration. Moreover, some dogs are quiet, and some others can’t standstill. If you have a calm and polite dog that collaborates, you can use an electric nail file; Otherwise, trim his nails in short sessions so that your dog isn’t annoyed.

To shorten your dog’s nails, you need a suitable nail clipper. There are various types of nail clippers and dog nail files in pet shops, which each has different benefits and disadvantages. We talked about different types of dog nail clippers so you can choose the best one for your dog. If it’s tough to trim your dog’s nails, or you are afraid to damage the Quick vessel, you can count on the Mishka Grooming professional groomers. With our love, knowledge and precision, we make your dogs more beautiful and healthy.

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