Top tips for cleaning dog ears

Cleaning dog ears is one of the issues that many people ignore, and it always occupies the owner’s mind. While doing this, you can be aware of the health status of your dog ears. By cleaning your dog’s ear, you can detect a variety of diseases, including infections. In this article, you will learn how to clean your dog ears properly.

How often is it necessary to clean dog ears?

A dog’s ear cleaning timing depends entirely on the breed; For example, breeds such as the Bast Hound or Cocker Spaniel need more ear cleaning than other dogs. Because their ears are drooping and air can’t flow easily between the ears. Dogs that swim also need more ear cleaning; If you don’t dry the excess water inside the ears, it will cause infection. This cleaning will make you aware of the presence of ticks. If you find out about ticks in time, you can prevent them from being transmitted to other animals in addition to prompt treatment. In short, regular cleaning of the dog ears prevents infection; But overdoing it can damage dog ears and make their ear skin sensitive.

If you don’t know the best time to clean your dog ears, it’s better to ask reputable and professional groomers. Never thoroughly clean your dog’s ear without the presence and consultation of a grocer and veterinarian because you can’t see and examine the inside of your dog’s ear completely and accurately.

Tools needed for cleaning dog ears

 Never use alcohol or earwax to clean your pet’s ear infection, as using alcohol can dry out, and the earwax can remove pus and dirt from your dog’s ear. Before starting work, it’s better to prepare the following tools:

  • Cotton pads (Never use regular cotton swabs instead of cotton pads to clean the dog ears, as they may go deep into the dog ears and cause serious problems.)
  • Dog ear cleaner (never use human ear drops for dogs).
  • A clean towel
  • Assistance (especially when your dog is not yet used to it).
  • Treat to the required amount (treat him both during and after work)

Tips for cleaning dog ears

If you get your dog used to this task from birth, you will be much more comfortable in the future. But you may have taken care of an adult or homeless dog, and he didn’t get used to it at puberty. Don’t forget that the most important condition is that your dog is comfortable and calm. First, gently stroke the dog ears to see how it responds. If the dog is upset by touching his ears; Never do it by force. Never clean your dog ears when stressed because it can damage the dog’s mood and bother him. In these cases, it’s better to ask the groomer to help.

  • Make sure your dog is completely comfortable. Now hold his ear with your fourth thumb and finger so that you can see inside.
  • Sift through the dog’s ears for any redness, odour, or discharge. It’s perfectly normal to have a tiny amount of light-coloured mass; But if you notice a heavy mass, redness and severe pus, be sure to see a veterinarian.
  • Gently wipe the dog’s ear with a cotton pad; It removes all excess dirt and grime.
  • Now insert the tip of the ear cleaner into the ear canal. Be careful not to push it too deep into the ear. Then squeeze the drop a little to pour the liquid into the ear.
  • Gently massage the ear to make sure the cleaning fluid has reached all parts of the ear canal.
  • Wipe the fluid left in the dog’s ear with a damp cotton pad.
  • Do all the steps for the other ear.
  • If your veterinarian prescribes drops for your dog’s ears; The best time to use them is shortly after cleaning your dog’s ears. It can help the medicine to work better.

Signs of infection

If your dog’s ears are inflamed and red and he doesn’t like to touch his ears, maybe he has an ear infection. Dogs with ear infections are constantly shaking their heads; To relieve severe itching. Coloured discharge with an unusual odour is also a sign of a dog ear infection. Ticks can also cause dog ear infections. If you delay cleaning your dog’s ears, the chances of getting the disease increase. If you notice that your dog’s ears are infected, take your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible to examine the dog and give him the necessary medication. Also, if there’re fleas and ticks in the dog’s ears, the veterinarian knows how to get rid of them.

A dog’s ear is an organ that is highly and permanently exposed to infection, mass, and a variety of infections—the more care and cleaning the ears, the lower the risk of infection in these dogs. Cleaning the dog’s ear is a way to control and prevent infection in dogs. Because this cleaning is an important and necessary thing that professional groomers must do, if the dog’s ear is infected, it must be cleaned by experts and a veterinarian. Mishka’s experienced and expert groomers prevent infections and possible problems in the future by thorough and exact cleaning your dogs ears.


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