Treating Depression by Keeping a Dog (Part 1)

Treating depression by keeping pets has been scientifically proven to be very useful for humans in today’s hectic life. Caring for pets helps you deal with depression, anxiety and stress. For some people, petting their pets is very beneficial. In some cases, these pets play a more significant role and help their owners treat mental illness. Extensive research by researchers worldwide has shown that some emotional problems and behavioural disorders can be treated and prevented by pets. Our advice to you is that if you have tried all the ways and methods to treat your depression and haven’t received an answer, turn to the process of treating depression by keeping a dog at home.

The best pet for treating depression

You may not be interested in keeping animals such as dogs and cats at home. But if you adopt these animals, you will find their kindness and loyalty. In other words, squirrels, dogs, cats and rabbits are the best animals to treat depression. It’s interesting to know that you can reduce your anxiety and depression by keeping any of these animals. The playfulness of cats or the loyalty and kindness of dogs awaken a sense of freshness and cheerfulness in humans. Also, the sense of responsibility that maintaining, feeding, and caring for them creates in humans improves your mental health.

Which breed is better for treating depression?

To treat depression by keeping dogs at home, it’s essential to become familiar with the dog’s personality traits so that they can help you.


Standard poodles are good companions for people who need to reduce depression. They’re brilliant, friendly and have optimistic behaviour. So their owners feel comfortable caressing them.

Hunting Labradors

Hunting Labradors are very loyal and obedient. They seem to be one of the happiest dogs and make their owners more comfortable.

Golden hounds

These breeds are great for bringing a smile to your lips and helping to calm your nerves.


The Chihuahua is a small Mexican dog with long, straight hair that gives you peace and happiness.

Charles Spaniel

Charles Spaniel is an intelligent and lovable dog that’s popular among families. He helps to create joy and happiness.

Yorkshire Terrier

This little Terrier dog with blue-gray colour and long hair will be your constant companion.

Great Dane

These dogs are large, calm and confident, which are great for reducing depression. But it’s better to be sure that you are ready to receive such an incredible creature for your family.

The relationship between depression treatment and dog care

One of these treatment effects is that dogs meet the basic human need of touch. Even stubborn criminals in prison show long-term changes in their behaviour after interacting with dogs. Many of them experience mutual love for the first time.

Resting, hugging and petting a lovely dog ​​can quickly relieve your stress or anxiety. Also, being with a pet can reduce your loneliness. Most dogs are great stimulants for healthy exercise that can significantly boost mood and reduce depression. Pets, especially dogs and cats, have evolved to harmonize strongly with humans, our behaviour and emotions.

People with dogs have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than other people. One study even found that when people with high blood pressure adopted dogs, their blood pressure dropped significantly within five months.

Playing with a dog can increase serotonin and dopamine levels, which is calming and soothing. These animal owners also have lower triglycerides and cholesterol (indicators of heart disease) than people without pets. Dog owners are more likely to survive heart attacks than other people. Pet owners who are 65 visits a doctor 30% less than other people.

Dogs and lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes play an essential role in relieving the symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, bipolar disorder and PTSD. Caring for a dog can help you make lifestyle changes and live a healthier life by doing the following:

Activate oxytocin

Other aspects of keeping dogs in depression treatment include the regulation of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone helps regulate social bonds. According to a study published in Psychology in 2012, human-animal interactions activate the oxytocin system in humans.

In the hypothalamic nucleus of the brain, the hormone oxytocin is naturally produced and released by the posterior pituitary gland. This hormone plays a vital role in promoting social characteristics, reproduction during and after childbirth. Therefore even one look at the baby fills a mother with joy and prevents postpartum depression.

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