Useful Foods for Dogs

Dogs are inquisitive and gluttonous and like to eat whatever they see. As a dog owner, you may wonder which food is safe for dogs and dangerous for them. If they eat harmful foods, they may get sick or even dead. That’s why in this article we’re going to talk about healthy foods for dogs and tell you what foods you can safely give them. So stay tuned.

 List of useful and safe foods for dogs

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, dog food isn’t just about meat and bones. Dogs are omnivorous and need carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in addition to meat. Therefore, they should be given a variety of fruits and vegetables, cereals and legumes. Dogs also need different foods during their life, from puberty to adulthood.


Animal meat is a good source of protein for dogs. Of course, meat alone isn’t enough for dogs, and there must be other food as well. Good sources of animal protein include:

  • Red meat (beef, veal, lamb, etc.): Lamb and beef are considered useful foods for dogs due to their high protein. Lamb is digestible even for dogs with sensitive stomachs.  
  • Chicken: Chicken meat is useful food for domestic dogs if cooked without onions and any spices. When using chicken, be sure to cook it thoroughly because raw chicken may have salmon bacteria.
  • Turkey: Turkey meat is high in protein, riboflavin and phosphorus. So if cooking, it doesn’t harm dogs. You should feed turkey meat to dogs without any skin or bones.
  • Kangaroo: This meat is one of the best foods for a pet dog with less than 2% fat and a source of protein, zinc, thiamine and iron. Another interesting thing about kangaroo meat is that a small percentage of dogs are allergic to it, and it’s compatible with most dog’s stomach.
  • Cow bone and pen: Cooked cow pen is also one of the useful foods for dogs that prevents the formation of dental plaque. If dogs are given two or three cooked pens a week, there is no need for tartar removal. Be careful always to avoid giving small bones to dogs as it can cause problems such as tears and injuries.
  • Chicken and meat extract: Chicken, meat and vegetable extract is very useful for dogs. These ingredients help keep your dog food moist.

 But be aware that:

  • avoid raw meat (due to the possibility of Salmonella bacteria) and cook the meat completely.
  • If cooked without garlic, onions, oil and spices and only with water, various meat is a good source of protein for dogs.
  • Separate the chicken bones and the small, broken bones of the red meat first and then give it to the dog so that it doesn’t cause digestive problems for the dog.
  • When using beef, make sure your dog isn’t susceptible to any meat. 


Fish is also good food for dogs if it’s boiled without harmful substances and its blades are completely removed. In addition to fish meat, its oil is anti-inflammatory and irritating due to its high content of omega-3s, and it also eliminates dandruff. Salmon, whitefish and cod are some of the best types of fish for dogs. 


Fortunately, you can safely give different types of fruits to your dog. By the way, dogs like the taste of fruit and you can give them to your dog in small pieces as a natural treat and reward, in addition to commercial treats. Some useful fruits for dogs are:

  • Apples: All dogs and puppies can eat apples because apples are rich in antioxidants, vitaminsC، K، A And pectin (soluble fibre). Apple skin with phytochemicals (phytonutrients) Is thought to be a good protector against some types of cancer. Apples are a great source of vitamins A، C, And fibre. Apples are low in sodium, potassium and saturated fat, But rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which makes the dog’s body shiny and healthy, and is good for controlling skin allergies. Eating slices of apple can keep your mouth and teeth healthy and eliminate bad breath.
  • Bananas: The potassium in bananas helps the function of muscles and blood vessels. Potassium deficiency causes cardiac arrhythmias in dogs. Vitamin C in bananas helps prevent cataracts, blindness, arthritis, osteoarthritis and some infections. As dogs get older, they can’t get as many vitamins C as before. That’s why this fruit is a nutritious and useful food for older dogs. Bananas help increase bone growth and absorb vitamins due to their magnesium. It’s essential for puppies. Biotin is an essential element for maintaining the health of dogs skin and hair. Eating bananas makes dogs’ hair shinier. VitaminB6 in bananas help maintain healthy brain and blood cell function. The fibre in this fruit helps the digestive system to function properly.
  • Cucumber: This fruit contains various minerals, as well as silica. These minerals strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. so it’s necessary for the dog to eat cucumber occasionally. Due to its low calories, a lot of water and fibre, this fruit eliminates the feeling of fatigue. It also makes dogs have no appetite for snacks and prevent obesity. Dogs suffer from various inflammatory diseases, but taking supplements with foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as cucumber can help reduce pain, stress levels and improve the immune system.   
  • Pear: Pear is a laxative fruit and contains vitamins E, C, K, A, Calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and fibre. These vitamins and minerals help keep dogs healthy and fresh. This fruit properties include copper for a healthy immune system and radiant skin and hair, carbohydrates for having energy, fibre for the digestive system, calcium to strengthen teeth and bones, potassium to maintain the function of nerves and muscles, vitamins k for blood clotting, vitamin C To maintain joint health and vitamins A To strengthen the dogs’ eyesight.
  • Watermelon: This fruit is anti-thirst, and its vitamin A،C، B6 strengthens the dog’s muscles. Watermelon is a low-calorie, low-sodium, low-fat, cholesterol-free fruit. In addition, watermelon has a lot of fibre that helps digest food.
  • Tangerines and oranges: Oranges and tangerines are a source of vitamins C for dogs. This fruit has antioxidants that boost the dog’s immune system and protect against cancer and free radicals.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries are rich in vitamins, fibre, minerals and antioxidants that protect the body’s cells, prevent infection and promote overall health. Strawberries are lower in sugar than other fruits, and if your dog is overweight or has high blood sugar, eating strawberries is the best choice in your dog’s daily diet. 
  • Mango: High amount of vitamins C, A and carotenoids In mango keep the dog’s immune system healthy and strong.
  • Cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is an excellent source of fibre, vitaminsB6، niacin B3, Folate B9, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, very low calories and a lot of water. Having vitamins A and C,  this fruit has many benefits for dogs and a special role in regulating the activity of antioxidants. Antioxidants play an important role in absorbing free radicals, slowing down cell growth and promoting healthy cell function. It also helps reduce the risk of certain diseases. The high water and fibre in this fruit can help digest food, prevent constipation and dehydration in dogs.
  • Peaches: Eating peaches is safe for dogs. Small amounts of fresh or frozen peaches are a good source of fibre and vitamins A. It can even help fight infections, but like cherries, its kernel contains cyanide. Avoid giving canned peaches to your dog; Because it usually contains large amounts of sweet syrup.
  • Pineapple: Pineapple is one of the useful foods for dogs that improves the dogs’ digestive system.
  • Black Raspberry: Black raspberry is very useful for arthritis in dogs.
  • Blueberries: This fruit is rich in antioxidants and is very useful for the skin and immune system.
  • Coconut: Coconut is an anti-inflammatory fruit but isn’t recommended for obese dogs.


Vegetables are rich in fibre, carbohydrates, and various vitamins and minerals essential for dogs. But when giving vegetables to your dog, you must be careful that not all vegetables are good for him, and on the contrary, some vegetables may have a harmful effect. The types of vegetables that are good for dogs are:

  • Carrot: the carrot is very rich in vitamin A. This vitamin is one of the most important nutrients for dogs. While vitamin A in carrots can help improve your dog’s eyesight, as well as his coat and fur appearance. It can also help prevent inflammatory skin problems and keep your dog healthy. Vitamin A in dogs is essential for good bone growth, reproduction, cell division and enhanced immune response. This vitamin will help your dog resist environmental, infectious agents. Chewing raw or frozen carrots can ensure the health of your dog’s teeth by clearing bacteria and strengthening your teeth and gums. Carrot helps relieve pain, even when your dog is suffering from dental problems. Fibre can help regulate your dog’s bowel movements and relieve symptoms of constipation or indigestion. Carrots have a great effect on the eye health and vision of dogs. By eating a carrot, dogs will receive a large amount of potassium, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins  A، B، C، E  And K.
  • Potatoes: This delicious substance is a source of protein and starch used in most dog foods. Potatoes contain iron, zinc, fibre, calcium, vitamins C, B6, magnesium, beta-carotene, and vitamins A. It can be used in dog food but not every day! Because it increases your dog’s weight.
  • Green peas: The good news is that peas are one of the snacks for dogs. Peas are an excellent vitamin source, including vitamins K, A, B, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, protein and fibre. Peas contain a lutein substance, which is a good antioxidant for skin, heart and eye health. 
  • Green beans: Green beans also contain vitamins  A، B1، B2، B3، B6، C، K, E, minerals such as omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, niacin, manganese, thiamine, beta-carotene, riboflavin, potassium and zinc.
  • Pumpkin: Pumpkin is great for digestive problems and diarrhoea in dogs. Pumpkin is the best helper in treating diarrhoea. Pumpkin is high in low-calorie fibre. Also, an excellent source of beta-carotene, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin A and C. pumpkin is a good suggestion to strengthen the dog’s immune system. Carotenoids lower blood sugar in humans and animals and are especially important and beneficial, especially in dogs with insulin. Some of the polysaccharides in pumpkin help maintain a good hormonal balance in the dog. Because it’s rich in vitamins A and C, so It’s very effective in maintaining the dogs’ health and skin.
  • Zucchini: Not only is zucchini good for dogs, but it also contains dietary fibre as well as vitamins  C, A, Folate and potassium that can improve health. Vitamin C and A can help prevent oxidative stress; the ageing process in dogs strengthens the immune system, prevents infection, and eliminates digestive problems. A few small pieces of zucchini per week can be a great way to increase your dog’s health.   
  • Celery: Celery is a vegetable rich in potassium, manganese, vitamins A and C. Chewing makes dogs’ breath fragrant.
  • Broccoli: Feeding large amounts of broccoli to dogs can cause stomach problems. If it’s your first time giving your dog broccoli, be sure to start from a small part. Broccoli also prevents obesity.


Both white rice and brown rice are good foods for pets. Combining rice with chicken is a complete meal for dogs. Rice with yoghurt is also very suitable for dogs with digestive problems or diarrhoea.


Pasta is also one of the foods that many people use to prepare food for dogs. In general, it’s made from a combination of flour, eggs and water, all of which are harmless to dogs. Provided, of course, that the pasta is given to the dog without sauce, oil, spices, and so on; Because most pasta dishes contain substances that are dangerous and forbidden for dogs. Of course, pasta is also a carbohydrate and should be given to dogs in moderation to prevent obesity and overweight. 

Dairy products

  • Yoghurt: Yogurt is a rich source of calcium and protein. It can be useful in strengthening bones and reducing digestive problems such as diarrhoea. So, in general, we can make yoghurt one of the healthiest foods for dogs, but only if the dog isn’t allergic to lactose in dairy products. Most dogs are allergic to yoghurt lactose and have a variety of digestive problems when eaten. Therefore, it’s better to give a little yoghurt to your dog first, and if you don’t see any signs of allergies and digestive upset, you can give your dog 1-2 tablespoons a day. Simple, low-fat yoghurt, preferably probiotic, is the best choice for dogs without additives or flavours.
  • Milk: Some dogs are allergic to the lactose in milk, which can cause diarrhoea and vomiting. If your dog is allergic to lactose in milk, buy him lactose-free milk.
  • Cheese: Low-fat and salt-free cheese is good food for dogs, but the cream is not good for dogs at all due to its high fat. It may cause diarrhoea and vomiting.


Soy is available in various forms such as soybeans, soy milk and most importantly, soybean meal. Soy is a good source of plant protein and easy for dogs to digest. So you can use cooked soybeans or soybean meal for your dog food. Of course, some dogs are allergic to soy; For this reason, first, give a minimal amount of soy to your dog, and if there is no problem, give him more.


The packaged edible mushrooms that we buy from the store aren’t harmful to dogs, and if they eat them, they won’t have any problems. Of course, since we usually combine mushrooms with onions, garlic, spices and other harmful substances in our food, we recommend not to give these mushrooms to your dog. But if you notice wild mushrooms while hiking in nature, we recommend that you don’t allow your dog to eat them. Because some mushrooms are poisonous, and dogs can be poisoned or even killed by them. Since we don’t have an accurate knowledge of edible and poisonous mushrooms, it isn’t easy to identify them. It‘s better to avoid giving wild mushrooms to your dog altogether.


Legumes are a good source of plant protein, carbohydrates, fibre, other vitamins and nutrients. So they’re good foods for dogs. Of course, be careful; legumes such as beans must be given to your dog cooked; Because raw beans are difficult for dogs to digest. It’s also better to soak them in water for a few hours before cooking so that your dog isn’t bothered.

Eggs and peanut butter

Eggs are a source of digestible protein for dogs and are rich in riboflavin and selenium, but be sure to cook them thoroughly before eating.

Barley flour and honey

Barley has many properties for dog digestion. You can even give barley bread to your dog instead of white bread. If your dog is coughing, a teaspoon of honey twice a day is very helpful for your dog. For honey, be sure not to give too much to your dog. Puppies under one year shouldn’t be given honey at all, and in general, avoid feeding too much honey to your dog.

The age and breed of dogs are some of the influential factors in the dog’s diet. Therefore, it’s better to consider the best food for him when making food for your dog based on these factors. Keep in mind that the list of functional foods for dogs may vary and depends on their biological characteristics, breed and daily activities. A perfectly compatible food with one dog’s digestive system can make it difficult for another dog to digest. Another point is that overeating healthy foods can also cause big problems. So it would be best if you only fed all of the above to your dog in moderation. Mishka Grooming specialised team with experienced and professional groomers will help you in the path of cleaning, grooming, health, hygiene, nutrition and training of your beloved dog. Just trust us.




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