What can’t dogs eat list?

Dog food is completely different from humans. Sometimes nutritious and tasty food for humans is dangerous and deadly for dogs. There is a lot of delicious food that is deadly to dogs and causes disease. If you feed your dog any of the following foods, contact a veterinarian immediately. Here is the list of What can’t dogs eat.

Dogs can’t eat Chocolate and caffeine:

Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine, which is toxic to dogs. The amount of Theobromine in chocolate depends on its type. Chocolate directly affects the intestines, heart, central nervous system and kidneys. If your dog is poisoned with this food, the effect will be shown 24 hours later. Its side effects may be manifested in vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness, hyperactivity, seizures, shortness of breath, thirst and excessive urination. Caffeine in tea and coffee also has a strong stimulant, Methylxanthine, to which dogs are sensitive. This substance’s effects are usually shown after high consumption, and its side effects are usually similar to chocolate.

Dogs can’t eat Persimmon, peach and plum pits:

Persimmon, peach and plum kernels contain Cyanide, which causes intestinal problems in dogs.

Dogs can’t eat Rhubarb and tomato leaves:

These vegetables contain oxalate, which causes vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, weakness, tremors and bloody urine in dogs.

Dogs can’t eat Avocado:

Dogs should never eat this fruit. Avocado contains a toxin called Persin, which causes fluid to build up in the lungs, chest, respiratory problems, vomiting, lack of oxygen and death.

Dogs can’t eat Onions, garlic and chives:

These vegetables contain thiosulfate, which can irritate the digestive system, stomach and intestines, or damage your dog’s red blood cells and anaemia. The side effects of onions are usually noticed a few days after consumption. Prepared foods or foods containing these vegetables can also cause illness.

Dogs can’t eat Alcohol:

Alcohol and all alcoholic beverages such as perfumes, detergents, etc., should be kept out of the reach of dogs. It affects the dog’s brain and liver and causes poisoning, vomiting, diarrhoea, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, blood changes, coma and even death.

Mouldy foods:

Bread, nuts, dairy products, and mouldy foods contain dangerous toxins that can make your dog sick.


Foods containing nutmeg are forbidden for dogs. This food contains Myristicin, which can lead to misguidance, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, dry mouth, stomach pain, and seizures if consumed in large quantities.

Grapes and raisins:

Consumption of grapes and raisins in sensitive people and dogs causes kidney failure and disease, so these two substances can be toxic in dogs with a disease background.


Nuts are high in oil and fat. 12 hours after eating nuts, your dog will experience weakness, depression, tremors, vomiting and fever. These symptoms usually last for 12 to 48 hours.

Xylitol sweetener:

Xylitol is a synthetic sweetener found in sugar-free products such as chewing gum, candy, toothpaste, peanut butter and more. This substance increases insulin secretion and decreases blood sugar in the body, and causes liver failure, seizures and brain damage in dogs.

Corn and cobs:

Your dog digests corn, but corn causes intestinal obstruction and death.


Salty foods cause thirst, excessive urination and intoxication. Side effects of eating too much salt or salty food include vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, tremors, fever, seizures and even death.

Raw meat and eggs or cooked bones:

Raw meat and eggs contain Salmonella, E. coli and an enzyme called Avidin that is harmful to humans and animals. Consumption of these substances causes vomiting, fever, swollen lymph nodes, decreased biotin uptake and skin problems. Cooked bone breaks when chewed and can get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract, causing suffocation or perforation of his intestines.

Lemon or lime:

Lime or lemon is bad for your dog; Because their skin contains Psoralen, which causes digestive problems, vomiting and diarrhoea. Excessive consumption of lemons can also cause muscle tremors, difficulty walking, liver failure and death.


Citrus stems, leaves, skin, fruits, and seeds contain citric acid and essential oils that can cause irritation and depression of the central nervous system if consumed in large quantities.

Coconut and coconut oil:

Eating coconut or its oil causes stomach upset, loose stools and diarrhoea. Using coconut water is also harmful to your dog due to its high potassium content.

Raw dough:

The last food on what can’t dogs eat list is raw dough. The side effects of consuming dough are the same as alcohol; the dough produces alcohol during fermentation. So the dough poisoning is of the alcohol type. Besides, consumption of the paste in some dogs causes bloating, difficulty breathing and weakness.

Milk and dairy products:

Excessive consumption of dairy products and milk in dogs causes bloating, diarrhoea, digestive problems and allergies.

Some foods are good and healthy for dogs, and some are harmful and dangerous. Gradually include healthy foods in your dog’s diet and eliminate harmful foods. In addition to the above, some dogs have some food allergy that you should also control. Don’t forget the rule that you must observe moderation in consuming everything, so give your dog healthy foods in moderation to prevent obesity or other complications and diseases.

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