40 Interesting dog facts

Dogs or domestic dogs are subspecies of wolves and mammals of the canine family. The dog was the first animal to be domesticated by humans. Dogs are one of the most diverse animals on Earth, a legacy of several thousand years of human intervention. Below are some interesting facts about dogs.

40 Interesting dog facts

  1. Dogs can understand up to 250 words and movements.
  2. Dogs have sweat glands only in their paws.
  3. Since they do not use sweat to cool, they use breathing to ventilate.
  4. Dogs have 18 muscles to move their ears.
  5. Adult female dogs usually mature around 6 months of age.
  6. During the Victorian era in England people were paid to collect dog feces for use in the leather and tanning industry.
  7. Dogs’ whiskers help them see in the dark.
  8. A dog’s nose, like a human fingerprint, has a unique pattern that can be used for identification.
  9. Moisture in a dog’s nose is a sign of his health and helps them smell.
  10. A study in the United States found that 93% of people who have a dog have made a positive change in their lives after the dog entered their lives.
  11. In August 2016, a dog was elected as the mayor of a part of Minnesota for the third time.
  12. Dogs’ ears are a great tool for voice recognition.
  13. Dogs can hear twice the range of human hearing, and small dogs are even better at it.
  14. Dogs emit odors through their paw glands and alert the surrounding dogs.
  15. Male dogs raise their legs when urinating as a sign of dominance
  16. Dogs are more aggressive when walking with a man
  17. Scientists believe that dogs, like us, dream and relive moments they have already experienced.
  18. It is estimated that 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters each year.
  19. President Roosevelt had 11 dogs during his 12 years and 1 month in the White House.
  20. This is vey interesting among dog facts: Dogs can smell their owner from 17.7 km away.
  21. Although 78 million dogs are kept as pets in the United States, only about 30 people die each year from dog attacks, which is less than the number of deaths from bee stings.
  22. Experiments have shown that cats do not like you as much as dogs. In dogs, the hormone oxytocin is released, which causes this to happen, and it is much higher in dogs than in cats.
  23. The world’s oldest dog is Max, a 29-year-old Terrier-Cross. It is interesting to know that this 29-year life span among dogs is equal to 183 years among humans.
  24. Dogs and humans first became best friends 30,000 years ago.
  25. Nine percent of a dog’s mitochondrial DNA is similar to a gray wolf.
  26. Another interesting dogs facts is that dogs defecate in the direction of the earth’s magnetic field.
  27. The most popular names for dogs in most English countries are Max and Mali.
  28. History has it that the Nazis tried to teach dogs to read and speak.
  29. Apparently, Google prefers dogs to cats. Their policy is that employees can bring their dogs to work with them.
  30. In Switzerland, some people still eat dogs and cats, and this is legal.
  31. Huskies have been banned from entering Antarctica since 1940.
  32. Only three of the 12 dogs on board the Titanic survived.
  33. In World War I, dogs carried letters containing military orders into the front line using a capsule attached to their bodies.
  34. The smallest living dog measured in the world was a dog, which was about 15.2 cm six inches tall.
  35. Another dog facts is that chocolate can poison a dog or even kill it.
  36. Trained dogs can detect prostate cancer in ninety-eight percent of cases using their sense of smell.
  37. The average intelligence of dogs is equal to that of a 2-year-old child.
  38. About one million dogs in the United States are heirs.
  39. In China, 30,000 dogs a day are killed for their skin and meat.
  40. In Norway, you can only neuter your dog under very special and rare circumstances. In other cases, this is illegal
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