Preparing your dog for the new year

Christmas and new year are lovely holidays for everyone and a good opportunity for a family reunion. Along with the holidays, people can enjoy the Christmas tree and its decorations, food, drinks, music and various guests. But these sweet days can be stressful and anxious for dogs. Dogs are sensitive creatures. They consider their home as their castle and safe place, so the entry of strangers can jeopardize this security. But our dog is a member of our family, and all members should enjoy this celebration together. So it is essential to keep these furry friends happy during the Christmas holidays. By observing the following points, you can provide the appropriate context for preparing and grooming your dog for the new year

Preparing and grooming your dog for the new year

  1. Don’t disrupt your dog’s everyday life

Dogs hate chaos, and anything that disrupts their routine makes them stressed. On busy Christmas days, you may forget his meal or his daily walk. Ignoring and not paying enough attention makes him upset and anxious. So along with your hard work and arrangements, do not neglect your dog.

  1. Decorate your home little by little

It takes time for dogs to get used to the new place. By changing the decoration, you create a new environment and stress him. Your dog doesn’t know the new environment by decorating and moving items. As long as he gets used to the new place, he will feel bad and upset. So change things and adorn not just in a day, but little by little so that he gets used to this process and calms down. Be careful to keep power cords and yarns out of his reach so that they don’t wrap around his body or bite them. These wires and cables can cause injury or electric shock.

  1. Your dog needs regular grooming

Cleanliness and grooming your dog for the new year will make your dog feel good. Short nails, clean teeth, brushed and clean coats with a good scent, not only make your dog energetic but also make guests happy. Wash blankets, toys and all your dog’s belongings before Christmas, so that they are fully prepared for this big celebration.

  1. Find a safe place for your dog

Dogs are playful and social creatures. But sometimes they get tired of the crowds and the noise. So they should have a safe place to rest and get away from the guests. This short time will calm them down and reduce their stress. Give them a place in another room, toys and blankets; so they can spend an hour alone. Don’t allow any family member to go to their room at this hour and disturb their privacy.

  1. Beware of poisonous plants and paper

Christmas is a day when everyone gives presents to their family members and their dogs. To make the gift beautiful, they wrap it in coloured paper. But it is better to give your dog a gift without packaging and in a simple box so that he can enjoy it. Packaging papers contain harmful and toxic chemicals that are dangerous to dogs. If your dog inadvertently licks or eats these papers, he will be in danger. Some plants such as mistletoe, hawthorn and poinsettia that are used for decoration are also poisonous and dangerous. So keep them out of your puppy’s reach.

  1. Get to Know Harmful Foods for dogs at Christmas Dinner

Your and your dog’s meals are different. Your lavish dinner on Christmas may not be to their taste. High-fat, salty foods, onions, leeks, etc., are dangerous to your dog’s health and can damage their liver. Cooked bones can also cause internal rupture and damage to your dog. So always consider your dog’s meal separately.

  1. Chocolate is terrible for your dog

Chocolate and sweets are an integral part of the Christmas table. Most dogs are tempted to eat chocolate when they see it is always available. This delightful food is harmful and dangerous for dogs and can damage their digestive system. To solve this problem, buy your dog’s special chocolate and avoid giving him a regular one.

  1. Place your drinks and food on a high surface

At Christmas, when guests are crowded, someone may place their drink, alcohol, or food on the floor or on a small surface accessible to your dog for talking or while doing other things. Dogs may approach these dangerous drinks and snacks out of curiosity. So consider a high and particular level for guests that are out of your dog’s reach.

  1. Keep sharp objects out of his reach

Remove sharp objects and Christmas tree decorations such as pine needles from your dog. They are toxic and dangerous and pose an irreparable danger if swallowed.

  1. Buy new toys and fun items for your dog

Get to know your dog’s favourite toy and give it to him as a gift, for example, toys such as tugging rope or Frisbee are very popular with them. Allow your guests to play with your furry friend and use these new toys. In this case, your dog is not only happy with your attention and spending time with them, but also this much exercise will make them tired and will bring them a pleasant sleep.

  1. Talk to your guests before Christmas

This talking may be a little strange. But if you don’t, you will have to endure the illness and discomfort of your dog. Talk to your guests and warn them of the above points. Ask them not to feed your dog on their own and leave them alone in a safe place for a while. Remind them to put drinks and snacks on a high surface and keep dangerous things away from him. Your dog is a small member of your family and needs a lot of care and attention. Be careful that the family’s children don’t treat him violently, instead make him happy.

  1. Watch out for inputs and outputs

Tell guests not to open the door or path that might cause your dog to get lost. Be careful that if one of the doors is left open, your dog will run away and you will have to spend the whole day finding him.

Christmas should be a time of joy, full of love, laughter, fun and good memories. By observing the above points, let your dog enjoy this celebration and also stay healthy. Also grooming your dog for new year is important; do not forget it.


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